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Dear friends,

I've been away longer than I hoped, caught in a whirlwind of unforeseen events. A family emergency called me back to Poland on Valentine's Day, away from Elath. My mother's health then took a serious turn, leading to emergency surgery after two heart attacks. During this time, Elath faced his own turmoil back home, which, without going into details, led to significant personal losses for us both.

I apologize for the silence and lack of updates. With limited privacy and the chaos around me, my work on our VN was confined to rare moments of solitude in cafes. Despite these challenges, I've managed to code 6000 lines, focusing on the banquet scene and bringing Chapter 14 close to completion, including sprites and CGs. However, due to new Patreon guidelines, I'll need to hold off on sharing certain images until after Easter, when I hope to find a workaround.

In any case, here's the latest build, showcasing all the progress made in Chapter 14. To access it, press Start.

Your understanding and support during this turbulent time mean the world to us both.

Thank you for standing by us.

Ps. I cannot make an AND version for now due to unexpected errors.







So sorry to hear about all this. No need to apologize for anything.


I’m just glad you two are ok! Keep persevering and take all the time you need, hope things get better for the both of you and the people in your lives soon 💜💜💜


I'm sorry though all the craziness ur going though, I give my hopes to u and ur family and that It will get better for u ♥️♥️♥️


Really glad You guys are good and I hope all the issues resolve smoothly, take your time, and I hope your family and Elath’s family are all good after this situations that occurred, do not rush your work as it is coming along really great :) ❤️

APC (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-12 05:34:54 <3
2024-04-12 05:34:54 <3
2024-04-12 05:34:54 <3
2024-04-12 05:34:54 <3
2024-03-31 21:29:27 <3



I was just thinking about FBtW today on my drive home. What providence!


My heart goes out to you and Elath during these difficult times, as well as free hugs *hugs you both.*

Nova Wolf

The android link doesn't seem to be working. Also sorry so many things have happened. I hope things have started to take a turn for the better


heres a quote from the update 'Ps. I cannot make an AND version for now due to unexpected errors'. AND is reffering to android.


I hope things improve or I pray anyway


I'm sorry everything has been so rough for you both. Sending hugs! ♥️ Rest and recover as much as you need, and we'll be happy to get updates whenever they're ready

David Scanlon

I hope your mother recovers well

North Grizz

With everything going on in your life no reasonable person could blame you for not getting much work done. I hope things improve for you both and your families from here out.

Snowden Namdar

So sorry you guys are going through this, here's hoping your mother recovers! 🤗


I won't make any friend by saying that but life is filled with obstacles and grief. Despite how many people say that you should wait until things get better before working on this project, I find it very offensive and a lack of professionalism towards your paying supporters.


Kael, I need to thank you for creating FBTW. I recently discovered this VN and, frankly, I am literally in love, impressed and hooked on this wonderful story and its characters. I empathize with your difficult situation, I have lost 3 very close loved ones in one year, including my mother after a long illness and I know what the word pain means in all its extension. Take the rest you need to recover and spend time with your mother. I wish you much encouragement and that your mother recovers soon. Although my monthly contribution is small, I will continue to support you whether it contains content or not, convinced that sooner or later you will continue with the story of Caelan and his friends.

David Sisler

We're here for you, best wishes to you and your partner

xSilentStrangerx .

Thank you so much for trying so hard despite all these horrible times. You're incredible and I hope things get better for you!!!

Daniele Principi

I love this vn so much, thank you for all.


Amazing update, all of the drama I've missed since leaving the forrest and back tenfold. super excited to see where this takes us

David Sisler

I can get that from a business pov, however Kael is a single man, he needs to grieve. He can't focus on wolf dicks while his mama is sick.

• Blackwolf Animates •

If you don't mind me asking, is the visuals supposed to stop working once you get to the tiger dinner scene? Because the description is working just fine. Its just the visuals seem to have frozen. (I'm on chapter 13)


We are seeing it before the public releases so we're getting the script first then as it gets developed the visuals get added in later, so yes the visuals will stop (the sprites still come in and out) but not at the level of animating as everything else


Hello, I enjoyed chapters 1-7 so much I decided to add my support for Patreon. I can't find a place to download chapter 8 from. There's text on the itch.io page, but nothing linked. I understand there's a renumbering with the new release and Chapter 13 is 9 in the old system.


I wish you all the best in your future life, my friend

Sorry to bother.,But I still want to ask.,How to solve the problem of unzipping and opening after downloading the MEGA network disk and not finding the exe running.


Sorry, that's because I'm in the process of updating the files. They should be working within 24h from now.