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For all you vampire lovers out there, here's 4 of them. Luckily the female of the species is much prettier than the male, otherwise I might not have painted so many 😁 Seriously, I shouldn't do these group scenes. They take forever. And I had to save all versions twice because I forgot to hide the vampire joke in all other versions and forgot to cover the victim for the first patron version but also the public version. 😔



G Patreon Fan

Vampira - oh, so SORRY I thought we were damned creatures of horror and the night. Instead we are Anne Rice and White Wolf rejects who pose all day in pop goth outfits and sip a little blood now and again. I must have inhaled the "Sparkle" powder instead of sprinkling it on my skin...

Jeff Pender

Seriously! Where ARE her table manners?! BTW, nice macabre touch with the victim’s exposed rib cage!