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It's has been really hot, hasn't it? In the Netherlands it really has. That's when this can happen (in my mind 😁). It's bad for the environment though so, better not. Unless it looks this good. Than I'd encourage it, not gonna lie! 😁



Virgo Da Doofus

Boss Lady: "You did this on purpose, didn't you Ms. Pancakes?" **pulls out paddle, and sighs**

Lawrence Wise

ME (in my "Sir Richard Attenborough"-Voice): "What our lovely Ms. Pancakes DOESN'T KNOW, as if she DIDN'T WANT TO NOTICE Anyways, is that Her Boss, judging by her BLACK FISHNETS, is WEARING 'Her UNIFORM' Underneath Her Blue Business Suit. SO, when Ms. Pancakes' Boss MENTIONS Ms. Pancakes has a Spanking Due, She AIN'T Kidding--ain't that right, 'MISTRESS Boss Lady'?" 😁