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Is it March Monstah Month or is it not? Sure it is. Ask the dragon! He'll confirm. And she might too 😁



Jeff Pender

Fabulous job! The dragon is awesome, something you expect from Ray Harryhausen, or something that Sinbad might come up against. The damsel is beautiful (and sexy!), and she’d look fabulous in some flimsy, sheer pink Princess gown, hoping that some knight in shining armor would come to her rescue. However, this is Monstah March, not Fairy Tale February, and besides, she looks spectacular totally nude!

Lawrence Wise

DRAAGON: "You like 'LEATHER'?!" // BABE (Screaming): "YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHH!!" 😁


“Eat, eat, eat! Doesn’t anyone f**k anymore!?”