Xmas 2022-1 (M) (Patreon)
Are you in the mood yet? I am not, but as my work takes time I have to start early to get a good Xmas spirited painting. This is really not bad for the first one this year. Maybe it worked because it's pretty cold here, all of a sudden. A good start anyway. I'll soldier on so that you don't have to 😁
Actually, I quit sending out Xmas cards in 2018 or 2019 because it became a bit sad that I only got digital Xmas greetings back (with some exceptions but very few). Recycled stock or meme imaging or just text and some sparkles. That doesn't pack the same mood for me and it didn't inspire to spend time and money for printed cards.
When I still did mail actual Xmas cards, the last painting I did usually worked best for print. A deadline to get it printed in time helped in the end. So, now I just start earlier hoping that by just trying out enough, good things will happen. The first's usually not the best, but here I have to wait and see if I can do better than this. This is already pretty cheerful and very appropriate for an artist like me. 😁