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Beauty should be recorded well and often, right? So, no surprise here. She could be Veronica, the voluptuous cop, actually, but I'll let you decide. It wasn't really intentional but I paint that type on a regular basis, so it's no surprise either if she looks like someone I painted earlier. 

This type of images gets rare in a hurry. Selfies are not the same and not for the purpose of mounting it on a wall either. Also, nowadays many prefer to be a canvas (for tattoos) instead of being on one. It's a trend if you haven't noticed. I'll just ignore that and keep doing what I do. 😁



Lawrence Wise

You did a "sorta version" of this last year with a "Librarian-turned-Model in a Museum Curation". It has the vibes of that one...and who knows--this just might BE our lovely "Officer".

Jeff Pender

Gorgeous! And the painting on the wall to the right, her expression is sensuous as all get-out!