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I started this in 2013 no less, according to the file info, and never got to finish it until now. It changed over time. I actually worked on it more than once and even though the lady is still about in the same place, she changed a lot. The dragon entered the picture many years after, and he changed considerably as well.
This March Monstah Month was a good incentive to pick it up once more and really make it work. It does now, I think. 9 years later. Saving stuff that doesn't work at first, does pay off.




WOW! This is really cool! The angle, the face, the red hair, the dragon. I must admit I don't like all the monster stuff you create, but this one's great! Reminds me somehow of Game of Thrones... did you ever do something like that (Daenerys and her dragons...)? But I think you don't do real people, although it is a fantasy figure after all....


This is amazing...love the calm of the witch vs the ferocity of the dragon...and the size difference between.


Jan (above here) stole my text. I wanted to say how much I like this one. The monsters normally do not do it for me, but this dragon is a fantastic one. Indeed G.O.T. and a fantastic redhead

Lawrence Wise

I knew I remember seeing it from somewhere, but I'm sure you had the dragon in it even then.


Well it’s an oldie. I can’t remember posting it earlier but there may be a much older version out there