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Note: I removed the prerelease of the public version as it still might be a tad too much for Patreon (?)

I know, I did one with tentacles fairly recently but I wasn't completely happy with it (That happens. Luckily not that often). Also, as my true Patrons know and have seen; one picture usually sparks another with about the same theme or a follow up to that theme. And sometimes a picture is just the stepping stone to get to the next. So, this is not out of the ordinary at all.

But now I am happy with it. Even though it is a bit Hentai/Manga like of course.

By the way; I think before Patreon (I'm here since January 2019) I have done only 2 tentacle things overall, I think. Since Patreon I've already done twice that I believe. How odd is that? I must have gotten weirder since Patreon ? 😁

Mind the Swiping. It escalates quickly 😁



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