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My graphic Novels Onliners 1 and 2 (or Lucia and Selena) published in the Netherlands by Darkdragonbooks.com have been published in France with tabou-editions.com . Not much translation was needed as the novels did not have much text at all (in fact this message might have more characters) and it's published in reverse order (the French do it their way).
Both books are titled CoquinNet and there is an E-version too. This is to notify my French and French speaking Patrons..... :) What's more; a previously unpublished graphic story of mine will be published in France as well soon. I am preparing it for print as I write this.

That story is entirely different and was on the shelf for at least a decade. It's also really erotic and it involves a blonde (so far still called Eve but the French might still change that) an evil but horny empress and some trolls. The blonde looks a lot like Barebella by the way, but I only noticed that when I was editing the pages once more.  I'm working on the cover again too, until it is helpful for the French market, but you can see the previous version (posted in 2012 but that was after a big revamping run on the entire project to keep it up to date) in my deviant art gallery if you're curious 


and I'll probably post the actual new cover here too. Maybe some pages as well but only after it's been actually published (this Fall I think).

So, great news I think. Good that something that was gathering dust for so long is now really ready to hit the market. Patience, grashopper... (line from the vintage tv-series Kung Fu by the way)


Jaycee Knight

I don't know if I qualify as a French patron (being Canadian), but I'm French speaking. I'm definitely curious to hear about it when it comes out. Congrats on the publishing deal.


French speaking Patron! Good thing I made the post! :) The Coquinet books are out already. The Eve book will follow


Leçon de Français: absolument parfait.... J'adore! Very well done, always that high-quality standard of yours ❤❤❤ Just a small glitch in your present text: this is CoquinNet, with two "n", such as "net of naughty..." and a pun with "coquinne", the feminine version of "naughty" in French... I just bought the two, of course 😎 Thank you so much ✌✌


Congratulations Frans, that is a fantastic achievement.


Thanks very much! Much appreciated! I can actually read French pretty well, but I can't speak it. Sentence structure is so different that it would take me ages to form sentences that make sense :D