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This looks to become a serious series. I had a series of sketches posted for higher Tiers last month (title: From A Book) and this is the first I painted. While I was working on it new ideas popped up like fireworks. The potential of the concept is really endless. Goosebumps (the movies with Jack Black) come to mind. It has basically the same concept. But this series would be much more risqué of course. Much.
I'm thinking out loud. I never really know if I'll get the chance to do it. So much ideas, so much to do.



Jaycee Knight

I really love those "pop-up" pictures! There's just something about them that trigger my "what if" nerve.


I can see this as a story, where a author created a female protagonist, who seemed to real, that she became flesh and blood as she climbed out of the book. Unfortunately, the author also created, and believed in the monster that tries to drag her back into the book, shredding her nightgown in the process.

Lawrence Wise

My interpretation is the "Author" (The female background image) is actually a very slick, and powerful witch. She told Our Heroine, "You're a beautiful woman and I'd like for you to be A PART of this Fantasy Novel I'm writing." Our Heroine agrees: "WOW!! I'm complimented. Sure--add me to your story." SUDDENLY, Our Heroine's clothing "magically disappears", and from out of the Pages of the Book comes the scaly claws of The Dragon Villain, dragging her INTO the Book--which The Author gently closes. After fixing herself a glass of Wine, The Author opens her Fantasy Novel, and turns to the section entitled "Illustrated Gallery Of Characters", where Our Heroine is depicted as "Damsel Princess". "Hmmm...", The Author ponders after taking a quick sip of her Wine, "Maybe she might be a Queen for The Dragon Villain instead. After all, this is still a 'work in progress'." With a sexy, wicked grin, The Author closes the book---until The Next Chapter.


I am just very interested in how the background character looks.