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Should've been a graffiti tree probably but an apple just looked better. It's not that anyone would complain about historic inconsistency, I suppose, because well...it isn't really history anyway, is it? :D Also, a brick wall is as out of place as a leather jacket or a snake tattoo. But I like it still. Adam is around the corner. There's a nightclub there. He might be in for a shock. :)




Lawrence Wise

As we've learned throughout history, "That 'APPLE' Wasn't 'FREE' When Eve 'PLUCKED IT' From 'THE TREE'!". ^_^ (A lot of folks I say that to just don't get what it means, until they look at the world around them.) "Thanks", Eve. LOL!!


Out of all the bills I pay, the pittance I send to you each month doesn’t seem like enough.