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I did the mythological figure of Medusa once, as a portrait only, but I wanted to do it again as a scene from the myth. This might be just a prelude because there are so many ways to depict this, but I am happy with how it turned out for now. :)    



Lawrence Wise

This is the Plausible Medusa, because it is now rumored that she was of African Extract and the "snakes" in her hair are the same "snakes" made famous by Bob Marley--"Dreadlocks". And, naturally, the foreign forces were turned to stone (read: frozen in shock) by her ethereal beauty. To add to the Plausible Myth, let's just say, for fun, that Medusa also had a pet pit--viper--who's sharp bite rendered said foreign forces paralyzed (read: turned to stone/frozen in shock). She was never "hideous", but a powerful, beautiful, warrior witch...and Perseus knew that a "woman's reflection does not have the same effect on a man as looking directly at the woman, herself". Thus, the use of his shield as a "mirror" so that he wouldn't look at her, and so that her pet viper couldn't strike him...and thus, his victory over her via decapitation. Perseus' forces were freed from the spell once the witch was killed. Perseus used Medusa's decapitated head as a weapon against his enemies, who were stunned frozen by the act of showing it to them. --The "science" behind "Mythology". (Maybe I should write a "Rod Serling-styled" book like this. ^_^ )