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"Sebastien, are you sure you can do this!?"

"Of course I can. Babysitting a Stressgirl!? Please! And Ember!? She's an angel!"

"She is. And she likes you a lot. She is very attracted to you in fact."

"What is that!? Stressgirls don't usually have a lock down there..."

"Well... Ember is MY Stressgirl and I like her for to be always horny. Berber hasn't had a orgasm in 6 months now, her new personal record. She is HORNY AS FUCK, as the youth say."

"I think they say "Horny AF", actually."

"Wait a minute... Are you younger than me!?"

"I don't know... You have been 25 for like 3 years now so you clearly lie about your age and you never really gave me an age..."

"... Why would I give you an age!? And I would never lie about my age..."




"So here's the key to her lockable genital plug. Don't let her seduce you with her beautiful eyes."

"I won't. Have a good weekend at the Sheep, Pancakes and Shoes convention you got invited by this unknown e-mail. I would totally come if it wasn't so far away..."

"Yeah... Somalia... I'm finally going to Europe... But I couldn't miss this convention, it's almost like this convention was made for to me. Did I tell you it's sponsored by Coca-Cola!? The e-mail said all Coke products will be free and there will be a 69-feet tall Coke fountain!"

"Have fun!"

"You too!"

After climbing into a sketchy plane, Bigail was never for to be seen again.


The morale of the story is E-mails are lies.




This is quite genius.