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Also made a tickling variants where the cigarette is not lit and Silver is laughing instead of screaming lol.

Because Silver is an homeless woman with no friends or family, I make sure as for to visit her once per week, just for to make her feel human emotions and social stuffs.

Silver is slowly losing her mind, trading her social skills for abilities like hunting insects, growling and digging holes. It's important that I keep her grounded into the society that failed her. By giving her stimulus.

I love the word stimulus. Everyone does. Because it's been stimulus since roman time. The latin of stimulus IS stimulus. Do you know what the french of stimulus is!? STIMULUS.

I love latin. It's classy. And... Majestic... And... Powerful... And... Sexy... And... Intelligent...

Classy. Majestic. Powerful. Sexy. Intelligent...

It's almost like I'm describing someone we all know and love.

Pee time. Then smoke time.



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