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Firstly I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates recently. There hasn't been a whole lot of variety to show lately so I've just been holding some things close to my chest in the meantime.

Artifact has seen a lot of improvements lately, but we still have a long way to go. This year will see art updates transition from the usual paperdoll + sex scenes to focus more on new types of character images, background art revamping, and revamped/additional illustrations.

In the coming weeks I will also begin work on some sex animations for SotS, and art for some new characters can finally begin afterward!

Also, it's been a while, but AI Art! It's expanding explosively. As some of you may know, I've had many troubles baking some LoRA models. Where at first it was easy and fun, it quickly devolved into almost 24/7 baking with endless issues. I have one that I've been holding onto for a little while that it may be time to upload.  I've been doing some more tests to see if I can improve, but as I have learned, "just a few more tests" sometimes becomes months worth of experiments. If those efforts remain fruitless for much longer, I hope what I have now may suffice as a decent version 1 I can go ahead and upload. I'll keep at it over the next week.

This tax season has been particularly hard on me. Times are going to be tough this year going forward, but it is because of all of your support that I wasn't absolutely decimated and can hope to make it through. I cannot understate how grateful I am for you all!

Thank you! Stay tuned for some surprises in April!



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