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This is the rare text post because I've wanted to post this update for a few days now but have had no new pictures to share. 

I'm close to settling new engines for my two other games on the horizon, since I'm no longer making both in Unity. With SotS I'm leaning toward Ren'Py, because so far it seems to be perfectly primed to easily convey the look and feel that I have in mind, despite my aversion to it in the past. With the other untitled game, I'm leaning toward Unreal Engine 5. 

In my research I've actually gone down a rabbit hole of 3d modeling & animation. I've gone so far as to draft up a couple of models myself and I'm actually really liking it. The workflow is pretty nice as well. I was originally wanting to do pixel art because I loved the way it looked. However, with the plethora of animations, body types,  armor, clothing, etc. I'm wanting to do for the untitled game, it would be a nightmare to draw all by hand. 3D can simplify all that (relatively), but would also be a little more complicated to program. Then there's the issue of how it should look in 3D, but I have some more research and fiddling to do before I can tackle that. 

I'm trying to push out SotS art faster now. I have half a mind to do SotS in 3D too due to how long the art has taken so far and could potentially take, but whether that will be necessary remains to be seen for at least the next few weeks.

As for Artifact, the newest update is close on the horizon! I've added all the Priya artwork and expanded the Bidding system, just needs a little more testing and refining but I'm anticipating its release within the next few days. 

I've also been caught in a nightmarish loop with AI image training. The loop is something like Learn How To Improve > Apply Knowledge > Somehow Get Worse > Repeat. Every once in a while I get just enough improved results that boost my morale before I slip back into that loop. I honestly think a lot of the best results I ever got were in my first few attempts before I studied the minutiae of how it works. I'm taking a break AI training for the moment, hoping that I can possibly unlearn some bad intel and view it again later with a fresh mind. 

Also, Sammy is back home with us in a royal blue bag fit for a king. My household almost feels complete again :)

That's all for now! 


Los Vaqueros Press

Any thoughts about Godot over Unreal and Unity?


I originally was looking into Godot. I can't recall exactly why it fell out of consideration, but it was incapable (or at least not very good at) one or more specific aspects of my game that were important to me.