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I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving (if that is something you celebrate)! I got to see the Grand Canyon last week and now I feel rejuvenated, I'm looking forward to continuing work on Artifact. 

Here are a few preview images from the updates to the artwork. The paper dolls are taking longer than I initially expected, but are roughly halfway done now, mainly just lacking the majority of male dolls.

This weekend I'll be flying out of state as my spouse's +1 at a company party, so the next update will likely be the weekend after. The new update should include the remainder of Dr. Howard's and Ms. Lane's scenes, as well as a plethora of new doll parts. I'm hoping to have the next main story quest done by then as well.

I've begun adding illustrations to writing exercises I've been doing, or writing stories for illustrations I've made, so I plan to post them as Caption Series or Short Stories on the main website. I've already shared one entitled The Rain earlier, you should check it out if you haven't already. 

The artwork drive has also been updated for Onyx tiers and higher.

It looks like we may be breaking our next goal come December as well, *fingers crossed* so I'm looking into starting on the artwork for the next game. 

That's all for now! Have a lovely day, deviants. 



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