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Circe returned to her throne in Aeaea to a shock. Sitting in her throne room was the Amazon Diana, holding a metal box that Circe had up on a pedestal. 
"Ser-say wanna pway?" Diana asked mischievously.
"Diana, no, put that box down!" Circe, "How the Tartarus did you even get in here??"
Diana removed the lid and out sprung a humanoid being resembling a sort old man. It was Mr.  Mxyzptlk, the fifth-dimensional reality warping imp.
"Thanks for freeing me, Didi! I think it's time I stop playing your game Circe and start playing mine."
Before Circe could act, Mxyzptlk snapped his fingers and a wave of light engulfed the universe.




Well, doubt any of these babyfied super heroes would even have a chance of saying Mxyzptlk, let alone tricking him into saying it backwards. So he's totally sticking around for the foreseeable future, for better or worse!


I can’t get enough of Dianas mischievous little face