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Hi everyone, here's one of those periodic personal life / work status updates!
In case you don't want to read the personal stuff, here is a quick summary:
I've had some mental and physical health issues the past few weeks & so has my spouse, but we're both doing a bit better.  I've still been drawing, but posting less because of those personal issues + having a lot of projects still in progress. Thank you for supporting me during this time and waiting patiently for updates! I'll be sharing more stuff soon. 💜

To go into a little bit more detail:
My spouse recently had some intense pain that led them to go to urgent care, but turned out to be just a really bad and long-lasting muscle spasm in their lower back. They're doing better now, but it took about a week for them to recover, and I kinda strained the hell out of my back while helping them out. 😭 (I'm also OK, but I have a chronic pain condition, so when it flares up it can be debilitating at times.)

When my pain's really bad I tend to focus on just getting by day-by-day, and tend to withdraw socially, so I haven't been posting much anywhere. I apologize for not being around on Discord and/or being slow to reply about work or other things. I'm going to be going through and catching up on everything, but also feel free to reach out to me again.

The good news is that I've been working on a lot of fun projects that I hope to finish soon, and I'll also be opening "regular" commissions soon. (Might not be before the end of the year, but I'm aiming for ASAP!)
I'm also working on improving my site (kinda slowly because I'm bad at it tbh) to be a better hub for my artwork and things like that, so I'll let you all know when it's looking decent!

Thanks again for being here and reading all this. See ya soon ( •̀ ω •́ )✧



Glad you're starting to feel better! Wishing the best for you and your spouse~


Glad to hear that you're starting to feel better! Wishing both you and your spouse all the best, hope everything works out soon.