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Weightlifting Fairy, Kim Bok-joo - Episode 11.mp4

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i first saw this drama in 2018, now rewatching w/ you in 2022… i do NAWT remember how forward he was 😭 i didn’t expect him to kiss her then nor the whole try-before-you-buy 1 month thing. i def see what you mean tho, it feels like a version of what siho was doing but presented ‘cuter’ although i don’t think he’d go as far as she did w/ the notebook etc… then again he’s trying to court her vs she was trying to keep them apart.. idk i just wish he’d ask her or at least involve her in the decision making since it affects both of them rather than just sort of tell her and she ends up going along w/ it? 🧐 but maybe that’s just how it came off or maybe the translation didn’t capture the full nuance of their dialogue idk, sorry for rambling 😅


I think the kiss was def a little eh it wouldve been a lot cuter if their first kiss was like,,,,they both wanted to kiss each other ? lmao instead of her being surprised and kind of not into it. I think when he said "they aren't misunderstanding" he didnt necessarily mean they were already dating but that they weren't misunderstanding his feelings and that he does like her. I get what u mean tho but I do think that instance it was more his way of confessing and being like no I actually do feel that way about u

Sham Sham

i was in tears when he popped up at her job like that screaming her name, he pulled a full upset husband move 😂 and then the I get violent and have panic attacks when I eat with new people he had them lines ready😅 but ey, I wasn't mad at his little 1-month sales pitch, was decent to me. like I know u don't like me more than a friend now, but as long as ur fine with it, let's just go on innocent dates for a bit and see what happens, if u like me then cool we can try dating if not fine at least we gave it a shot to see if there was some interest, not bad. 🤷‍♀️ shoot me myself I would be more confident with a situation like this coming from someone I already know/ am friends with than a stranger 👀 and again u didn't notice LOL. the new guy, her work friend (actor jisso) is from strong woman he was one of the love interest, the guy that annoyed u bad lol.


siho was being obsessive but joo hyung I think is just trying to show her his romantic side and go on some dates. It's an odd approach and def very bold but they kind of built up their relationship so far where I don't think its icky. I think if she hated the idea she would've drop kicked him right there lol