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[WIN : WHO IS NEXT ] episode 2.mp4

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Sham Sham

the way the coaches or whatever u wanna call them talked always bothered me especially when all they do is yell at them and not try to actually show/help them anyway. just complain and expect them to immediately fix the problem at that moment. then just Korean culture which makes it even harder for you to explain your feelings/express yourself is just so frustrating just watching i can't imagine being in any of their shoes. pretty sure the music choices are just their preferences. and it's not just you yg annoys me too about that, I've seen him do it so many times and it's so annoying like just speak my g😂. and just me, but Mino's tone did come across a bit aggressive, he could of said it a bit better so i wasn't mad at tae for walking out for a bit haha. and the song was, say goodbye=breezy. but u still ain't listen to hold up, anttt


oh man team A's dynamic used to be so weird eeeek


anthony, ur interpreting YG(the CEO, mentioned as ssajangnim in the vid) exactly the way everyone else sees him. He’s cold, seems arrogant, and mean but to his credit, he has a good eye for talent, and his evaluations of trainees are usually correct. K netizens acknowledges his smartness but also hate him for his attitude.


and as for Nam Taehyun, I remember watching this when it was first aired, and thinking that it must be very frustrating to be in that situation, but his way of expressing his frustration is in no way helping his team. Everyone else is in the same situation where Mino, jinwoo, ksy, senghoon are trying to find solutions but Nam Taehyun is just complaining. It kinda shows that even though he’s really talented and has valid points, he just isn’t a good team player, which is proved to be true cuz he eventually leaves the team.


You see the thing was with Team A’s issues in this episode started because “New Day” was the song that TAEHYUN chose and the boys went along with it. They practice and arranged the song to fit their vocals/vibe and then all of a sudden Taehyun wanted to change the song because it became difficult for him to sing certain parts. Then as you can tell, it’s hard for him to really express his opinions and thoughts. All members have a different way of expressing their opinions. Some wanted to asked Taehyun how they can make him feel confident in his part of the song or what they can do arrangement wise to make it easier for him. But Taehyun felt like he was being a burden and then Mino said he felt offended by what Taehyun said with the vocal trainer that he is not confident with the song. That made Taehyun put his walls up and he kept his anger/frustration inside and teared up when he was by himself. The second issue was the disagreement with the dance performance arrangement, Mino was a bit cut throat and harsh with his comment to Taehyun. Taehyun wanted to avoid saying anything bad and left. That’s why Yoon pulled Mino aside and had to explain to him that he was indeed the last member to join Team A. Yoon, Taehyun, and Jinwoo trained with each other 2-3 before Hoony and Mino joined the company. Mino being the leader, he has to be mindful of his words as well as his tone when he speaks to others. He also needs to understand and LISTEN to other members because again..everybody processes things differently. He’s dealing with 4 other different personalities and they are their own people too. As talented/skilled Mino is and you would think he’s the leader. Episodes like this really shows Yoon’s patience and leadership skills. Also, mind you Taehyun is the maknae while Yoon is the second youngest. You can tell Yoon is a very calm, wise, a good listener, and an observant person. Again.. qualities of a leader. But Mino really does his best when he was appointed leader. However, everything happens for a reason and it leads to a better change in the future episodes.

Deedee Schway

To be fair, this is all edited by Mnet and we don’t get to see/hear the whole critique of any single performance or trainee. They do compliment and encourage the trainees but it doesn’t get us as emotionally invested in them as it does when they struggle/persevere.

Deedee Schway

The interesting thing that is missed in this show about Mino is more about his history prior to joining YGE. He was actually set to debut with Block B (where he would’ve been the maknae) but wound up leaving the company. He then debuted with a ballad group (B.O.M) around 2011 which wound up disbanding only a few months before this show started to air in 2013. There is a really heart wrenching clip from Block B’s appearance on the show MTV Match Up in 2011 where Block B and Mino meet at a music show for the first time since debut. 😭

Deedee Schway

Yup. They have both talked about it at different times separately and together. A little was brought up in SMTM4 including in Mino’s Fear ft. Taeyang. They also did a radio interview sometime in the past couple of years. Block B members talked about it in the show I mentioned. Episode 5 parts 2 & 3 on YouTube. Be prepared for tears if you watch it!


calm down. it’s the mnet editing 😂 they like their shows to look very intense 😂