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I just wanted to make this post to keep everyone in the loop with what's going on with me. As expected, the moving process ended up being hellish, just more than I thought it'd be. I am super "behind" on things and not working on videos makes me feel horrible, so for everything within my control, I am trying to get back to it as quickly as possible. Coming back home reminded me of all I wanted to leave (no offense to family/friends) but everything is the same here and it's wack. I've been feeling a lot more irritable over the past few days because there's nothing going on, with anything or anyone. Because of this, I'll solely be focusing on working and hanging out with y'all while I'm here the next XX months. I don't have all of my equipment yet, the latest seems like they'd all be here by the 3rd/4th. YouTube videos will take a hit since I'm just using a TV to watch things as of now and there's just no room in here atm. So I'll just be watching and posting Weightlifting Fairy in the meantime.

Once set back up within the next week, I'll be diving into all that I've missed as well as what I was watching before the move. I'll likely be arranging a stream or something to get through that all at once, but we'll see. 

Monthly Album perk may end up being a bit weird since I no longer live 20 mins from an awesome kpop store. There's actually no places to physically buy albums near me so I'll have to either order off Amazon or Ktown4u. I also have to keep in mind that I'm trying to save as much as I can to buy a car and save for getting into my own spot asap, so I have to figure out a sustainable way to give back to you all consistently. There are still a handful of albums I've yet to ship out though so look out for DM's here on Patreon so I can get all of these sent out! 

If you seen the lens clips you'd know UPS damaged my PC and monitor during shipment and have to wait 3 weeks to hear back on if my insurance will get me reimbursed, online is saying it likely won't. I'd like to thank Casey for randomly donating money to go towards replacing this $800 monitor that certainly brightened my horrible day. In the slightest chance anyone else wants to possibly help replace the monitor and get a new PC case, feel free to donate here or here. No pressure at all, will save to fix this asap. 

TLDR: Unfortunately had to move back home to save some money after a situation with roommates so that I can quickly try to get back into my own space. Kills my mood a lot so I want to solely focus on work while I'm here, give me a bit of time for the rest of my camera/pc stuff to arrive and we'll be back to normal programming. 


Caroline esho

I understand! I hope that everything works out! Take care! <3

alla algoul

if you live in the USA the cheapest to buy a bunch of albums would be kpopusa don't waste your money on ktown4u or amazon