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Hey everyone,

I have just gotten done with one of the most stressful days I’ve ever had. As I mentioned this month was going to be a little more lackluster in terms of posting due to moving preparations, and though I took the time to arrange these things, I did not get nearly as much things done as I needed to before leaving. I have been packing and sending out things to my friends house over the past month, outside of the things I use for work. I have been up for 24+ hours after long hours breaking things down, throwing away and sending out as much stuff as I can. One roommate unfortunately left early and threw a bit more work on us than we anticipated and it made things a lot more difficult. As time kept getting closer to boarding, I unfortunately had to leave thousands of dollars worth of things at the apartment and possibly won’t be able to retrieve them, relating to work and personal items.

I used far more funds than I set aside for this move and folded into my savings to get as much insurance and shipping for my work items and unfortunately couldn’t get them here timely, or on the way to me yet at all. I am looking to have at least my PC, with no cables, on Friday. My cables may arrive Tuesday, I will be out of commission until I receive most of my work items and I won’t have the green screen or a handful of other things y’all don’t normally see.

I am safely back at my friends house, back in Michigan where I’ll be for the next 10 or so months as I figure out what my next move will be. I’m virtually going to only be working on videos and streaming so hopefully I will see a lot more of you all. I am just very stressed and upset my things won’t be here as fast as I’d like so I can get straight to it as intended. My apologies.



Sucks you have to go through all that man take your time, but just know that the grass is always greener on the other side hopefully everything works out in the end


Not a problem at all, take your time! Sounds like a good excuse to rewatch your SMTM reactions :)