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After doing the changes to add the smaller tier and going back over the months to see feedback from you all, I am reminded that the most requested thing is to have a more definite schedule. I didn't like the idea at first, especially since I felt like I had no time because I was always having something to do each day. I'm starting to grasp the idea a bit more so I decided to make a goal for it on the page. 

If we can reach the goal, I'll start posting more videos on a schedule that is clear and recorded in advance (excluding newer albums and such that I typically check out right away). The schedule will be like a block schedule on the posting days, varying each month but with the same days. For the base level of the goal, I'll expand to base posting days of Monday through Friday. 

The schedule will also be shared publicly at the start of each month. I tested this once and it didn't seem to make a huge impact positively on patrons staying/joining or increased positive feedback but it was a few comments here and there that were positive so fully attempting something like that might be a good idea. 

It will likely be categorized by bg/gg/etc content on a daily basis and rotated each month depending on the length as it may flow into the next. As one piece of content ends, it will be replaced by another. Content will vary in length in time and in episodes. Content will be decided by polls and also my general interest.

I'm setting other goals, where if achieved, they will increase the content load as the Patreon community grows and demand rises. 

If I don't like a show, you will know, as always and I'll find something else to replace it but I am always open to trying new content out even if you've never seen me post anything like it before. 

If anything becomes too much, I will let you know in a post and attempt to find a way to offset it without sacrificing the rest of the things in the schedule and if I can do most of the content in advance I should always have a month buffer to try to catch up when life proves itself again to be unpredictable. 

My only fear of this is to become burnt out, but I won't know unless I try. 

I'd like for the community to be sustained and to be able to grow from the increased workload as well so I can be more stable.

So the reason it's a goal set is to make sure I can reach that and to ensure demand for that much content is desired. I would be aiming to work the weekly hours of content posted in increments.

**As of now** The current base posting days are M/W/F , as it's been in the past, anything else throughout the week is just an attempt of me trying to post more for y'all! 

P.S. nothing has been dropped unless I make a post and let you know... LOUD hasn't been posted because I was watching on stream, haven't been streaming. SMTM hasn't been posted because I've been enjoying Flower of Evil and not thinking of much else tbh. 

My roommate is moving out EARLY, ON WEDNESDAY actually... So I am incredibly busy rushing trying to find a place to live. There's a lot going on currently so forgive me that I'm not actively posting everything, I'm even behind on this great month of comebacks.

My priority for today is catching up on a few videos for YT, I will then move to do some stuff here around looking for more apartments. 


Post access to ALL album reactions is now updated for Tiny and Small Potatoes. 

I am still working on adding the live stage reactions to those tiers, I will post a lens clip and update via discord when those are fixed (I will not make a separate post for that update).

Small Potatoes now also have access to other select content. There's not a formula when choosing these shows and I may decide to do polls every now and then to add new things to this tier. 


The Game Caterers 2 - Ep. 7/8 w/YG Family

Since no one seemed to have an issue with which type of show would be on this tier (based on this post), I'll assume we're all good with anything so I'll be choosing a show this weekend to begin on this tier. 


Mica Ferguson

I recently got a job so I'm hoping to become a more active patron of yours since I will have money to move up a tier or two! Good luck with the move and I hope you find a place soon! I know it's crazy out here looking for places.


Hoping things go well with your move!