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It hasn't been that nice of a day. 

Stress. Comparisons and feelings of being less than. Struggles to find new accommodations so suddenly...

After a handful of days like these, there's bound to be one that feels different than the rest and it was today. Tomorrow, I'll be back to hoping for better days with my best foot forward but I wanted to share a small thing I gathered from today. 

I am grateful for you all being here. Whether it is solely for extra reactions, or you believe in me being able to do something while I'm here, anything, even if only with this channel, thank you. I can't seem to get any type of acknowledgment from my grandparents without all of my "progress" or efforts being backhandedly responded to. 

I know what it's like to want to feel accepted/acknowledged by loved ones, and though I'm saying I'll get there someday, it's been years.  I know that it's not necessary and I can do whatever it is I want to do without it and you can too if you're going through something similar. It's bound to suck when your loved ones act like your efforts mean nothing, but we are doing everything for a reason with intention so please continue to keep going despite any and every outside opinion. A few months ago i thought "I'll give myself someone to believe in" hoping that through all of my effort I can learn to believe in myself because then if all else fails, at least I'll have that. 



I struggle with the same feelings but instead of my loved ones making me feel that way it's myself making feel that way. It's a sucky feeling and I try to change it but it's an everyday work in progress. Keep your head up and if mean anything the content you create is one of my favorites I look forward to the uploads on both YouTube and Patreon!