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might be a bit difficult to hear me in this one, my apologies


Flower of Evil - Episode 8.mp4

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Sham Sham

Your a kid and you know your dad isn’t around anymore because of you. Shoot I might just act up for a while too 😄 moon jin cracked me up this episode.” I found your sister/hyun-soo“ “I’ve got skills” As if he just wasn’t talking to the sister the day before and as if he’s not speaking to hyun soo all the time anyways lol. Even tho we can clearly tell he loves her he just he doesn’t know/understand what love his himself. it makes me think.. how would he explain his feelings for his daughter if he can’t understand them for his wife 👀 even the sibling love is like they haven’t seen each other l these years but he still listens to her and follows her. And she clearly understands her brother better than he understands himself. Even the scene where they meet up for the first time in so long. He just goes straight to the point while his sister hugs him and cries. He didn’t understand the “normal” human emotional reaction for not having seen someone in so long.


Yeah I think you've got the timeline of the friendship between the three of them right. it was before they found out about his dad and then Moo Jin rejected them both pretty much. I know he annoys you but I actually do kind of like the relationship between Moo Jin and Hyun Soo. Neither of them are totally moral people and they have this Tom and Jerry type of relationship. It's hard to believe that at the start of the series Hyun Soo had him in the murder dungeon and now he's practically his only friend (frenemy?) Yeah that must have really stung but I don't think Hyun Soo has enough of a understanding of his own emotions to realize that he loves her. He's pretty much learned how to mimic emotions and he's also been telling himself that he's been faking it for so long that it's probably difficult to untangle how he really feels. Even after seeing all these scenes already I still found myself saying "wow this is a really good show" at the end of the episode. They just know how to make you want to go on to the next one 😂


Sweet, you pointed out the writing and you weren't lying lol, the story is written very well. Gotta try to keep up each scene fr! I like their relationship as well, though it was going to be the only thing going on for the whole show. I always tend to find someone to annoy me in a show it seems LOL. I'm glad you reminded me of that because I still had that memory tied with thinking he was a psychopath from the beginning and was just doing that to try to further manipulate people and such. It shows with the relationship with his sister that you really have to force him to do the untangling for him to say how he really feels, so I'm sure he will be able to come around and express that to Ji won later on, hopefully!


in that flashback where he was like "i got hit by the car but why is he in a coma".. i totally thought they just brain transplant swapped them or something ridiculous. this isnt even scifi lol


the way you said "are you there?" at the end deadass took me out lmaooo


your facial expressions this whole episode!!! cuz same