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Flower of Evil - Episode 7.mp4

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tbh i don’t really like or trust the reporter guy & i’m confused on why the sister was apologizing to him. also do hyun soo is now going to look for the accomplice serial killer


He has never genuinely apologized to her brother for bullying him + he left her because she’s a “serial killer’s daughter/brother” Plus the fact that whatever he has on that camera that Hyun Soo is blackmailing him with is apparently incriminating evidence. So ye. He fees fishy fishy to me too. 👀

Michel Stephany Garces

Yes ofc he didn't deserve the apology but the reason why she was apologizing is kinda on behalf of her dad. Basically like she said, Moojin really liked her family, he looked up to her dad, they had a good relationship as bf&gf too and he also used to be the only one who treated Hyunsoo like a friend... all that came crumbling when the dad was found to be a serial killer tho. All of a sudden he didn't have these good relationships anymore so she feels guilty about that cuz either way it was her family.

Sham Sham

this whole accomplice audiotape annoyed me. like even with a voice changer it's so obvious that wasn't do-hyunsoo's voice. the kid was in middle school/high school...like what, his voice somehow got less deep over those years👀 like come one people. and i was like wth grandma too when she ripped up her school work but then again I took it as she was worried since she was doing grade work older than her age, the felt if she was too advanced she may end up like her dad🤷‍♀️ now the basement scene was great the tension was everything, but I have such a love-hate feeling for that scene. like we get why she is doing it duhh but at the same time, it's like she took him back to such a traumatic place for him/caused her own husband to have a full-blown panic attack and then never once apologized for it all, like suspecting him or not uh uh wifey you owed him an apology for that.


I think that the one consistent thing about hyunsoo without trying to spoil anything is that regardless of whether or not he understands his feelings his body sort of gives him away or like shows his feelings even if he doesn't understand them. I think up until this episode we've only seen sort of one side of hyunsoo because they were trying to trick us a little bit into thinking he was the serial killer but this is the first episode we see any vulnerbility from him and especially in the basement. This episode was the first time I noticed it and even when he was on the phone with moojin and he was saying he didn't trust him hyunsoo started clutching his chest. They do that a little more often from here on out and I think its sort of the way his body responds to these feelings that he still doesn't completely understand because of how he was raised to think he COULDN'T feel anything


I have to admit that I kind of enjoyed seeing Hyunsoo on the ropes this episode. He's had a couple of close calls before but I feel like he's always maintained his totally composed persona in front of his wife this is the first time she can really see him struggling and I do also enjoy that Ji Won is a match for him in this cat and mouse game


If I remember correctly didn't the real Baek Hee Seong have a whole bunch of math related awards and certificates on the wall in his secret room? So I'm wondering if the (fake) grandma's reaction to Eunha doing advanced math has some connection to her son. Especially because she said it can ruin lives. Honestly idk but I'm here for the ride


the pacing of these events unfolding is kinda fast i like it.


I'm watching this super late but holy shit my stomach was on the floor for that whole basement scene, this drama is insane omfg