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I just don't understand 


All of Us Are Dead - Episode 8.mp4

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I'm so pissed with that boy on the roof like u clearly u heard them and then u see them and not gonna say anything 🤬

Erica Lopez

I went ahead and finished the series just rn, but I’m going to rewatch the rest with you. All I’m gonna say is, you’re gonna get even more frustrateddd


i already finished it on my own and i loved it so much i feel like i could watch it a 3rd time after i rewatch here lmao

Sham Sham

i honesty weirdly wasn't mad about him not opening the door. idk i wouldn't risk opening it either especially when im so close to being saved. yeah he heard them screaming for help/could of told them turn the helicopter around when he saw them but id rather live with not opening the door than me opening it and shit going wild. idk its a weird situation haha but yeah i wasn't annoyed by it. whats so funny, na-yeon dying didnt do anything like i thought it would. like she got her karma for gyeong-su but it still wasn't enough for me. and no that doesn't make sense, ughh i always hate (real life/tv) when ur dealing with friends and they find out 1 has a innocent crush on them and then the other friend acts like their whole world is over. like her saying he's gone like no he is still there but she was so quick to try and push her "best friend" away over an innocent crush. she made it so awkward. But Man U got a lot more frustrating moments to come

Daniela Madrid

1. My favorite characters as of yet are cheong-san, nam-ra and su-hyeok. On-jo’s character makes both annoyed at her but makes me laugh sometimes with the way she responds. Na yeon’s whole redemption was whatever would’ve loved to see her suffer a bit more though instead of just get drained of blood. One thing I did notice in the show is that there is a lot of karma like almost everyone gets what they deserve either later or instantly. 2. While I’m still pissed at the guy who left them there I feel it’s somewhat understandable would’ve still punched him if I found him but I sorta get it. Cause the other girl was like she wants the whole world to die etc. and since he likes her and sorta has the same thought process even though he may have wanted to open the door a little. I feel that whether it was intentional or not everyone was a bystander to their bullying like the only person we ever saw standing up to them was su-hyeok in the beginning but even after he didn’t tell a teacher or another adult. 3. I think everyone reacts differently to the virus the majority turn into mindless zombies and some into half zombies(which I think is random) possibly our half zombie out for revenge can turn others into half zombies like namra but I feel it just depends in the person cause the virus is constantly evolving like with the bully he was good eating and slurping up blood but the other girl threw it up I just think it depends in the person that some are able to stay conscious while still having the virus.


I just had to pause when Anthony said "what you chewing on?" and cackle! Bro, he chewing on rich homegirl.

Estherlynn Lubin

I’m not saying she deserved death but…… lol and I doubt she’ll be half zombie. She looked like she got eating eating but we’ll see. I hope there is more half zombies like Nam-ra though like a secret unit that fight the zombies.


Honestly the whole Na-Yeon arc was just annoying to me like I didn't care and they were having these long lingering scenes with her so I'll be totally happy if that was the last scene. I'm just not interested in any next step she was going to make. I was pretty furious at the kid on the roof I understand how everything he went through could have made him feel bitter but I just feel like you lose when you become like that towards other people and like you said he had no idea who was behind that door and whether or not they were people who participated in bullying him or just totally innocent students. I guess you could argue why should he take the risk but man I was heated.


i genuinely cannot stand onjo. i have to stop myself from skipping her scenes lmfao. even the way she moves around annoys me lol she just looks so stiff like her arms are stuck to her side 💀