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Squid Game - Episode 6.mp4

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Yep. My heart broke. 💔


this damn episode has me crying again 😭 what sangwoo did to ali always reminds me of that one song, lotta true crime. “you’re not special for winning a game with someone who you know was never playing.” someone actually made an edit of them with it on tiktok. i always think about ali’s family, like he had a whole wife and kid they probably wondering where he went


I'm sad and I haven't even seen the reaction yet


Yea this episode broke me. They really just said "fuck your feelings" to everyone. Jiyeong smiling during her final moments messed me up

Daniela Madrid

This episode was sad 😞 like Ali was such a nice character but he was naive unfortunately. His second time being tricked by a Korean. Also Ali was the moneymaker in his family like he was fighting for his parents back home and his wife and kid. Sangwoo only had his mother he didn’t have a wife or a child but his mother was doing good for herself on her own with her business. While I despise sangwoo for tricking Ali his choices and actions are realistic with premise of the game doesn’t make me like him though. And then the gramps well I’m not gonna even speak on that.


This episode was too emotional. Ji Yeong's selflessness and Ali being duped. I kind of saw this character turn coming from Sangwoo. It's the stupid bloody game, puts you against someone you've started to care about and then you have a choice. To live or die.


I am… devastated


i'm a wreck

tyasia cropper

I just knew that Sangwoo ( the guy who bet on his own mother and tried to off himself) was going to try to screw his group mates over. We already saw that he was willing to do that with the Shaped Candy game. He knew what the basis of the game was but instead of telling them all to get triangle, he let them get the more difficult shapes. He's dangerous and cannot be trusted. Sad that Ali had to die but he was already giving me major 'death flag' vibes. Also had a feeling that the older man wasnt going to make it out of this game alive but that doesnt make it any less sad.


Incredible writing in this episode. I mean think about this: you know within the first 15 minutes how the end of the game HAS to go for the characters who paired up and yet it doesn't lessen the impact of those final moments AT ALL even though you had 3/4 of the episode to come to terms with it. It's still super painful, I hated being sad at the end of this but have to respect the craft The question asked about the walls it's not obvious at first but you'll get a chance to notice it more in future episodes.


this was so sad, and also i heard that if u remember on the first episode subway game of the play got to choose between red and blue square flipper, which made their positions of being a player of a guard depending on which color they chose to play. (This isn’t a spoiler just a theory)


this ep was heartbreaking

Bonnie Verret

i think saebyeok and jiyong had more feelings than just a friendship. the way they looked at each other in the end and when saebyeok cornered her against the wall... i don't think friends would look at each other with that much heartbreak and regret. i've also seen a lot of ppl on instagram say that they felt more romantic chemistry than friendship chemistry.

Bonnie Verret

i also like how this episode shows human struggles and how everyone has their own issues but it's ultimately fighting for yourself (for most ppl). if you look at maslow & kholberg's teachings, a lot of it makes sense and it's easier to understand why sangwoo could be so selfish when ali had more reason to win


Maaannn... This ep was so heavy 😭


why did people make me watch this i hate my life


when paul said “he bout to get blown before he finish talkin” about the old man I should not have laughed so hard 😭


man these subs are mistranslating so much, some of the things left out are important to the depth of the story too... the subs coming up for you in vincenzo & squid game are from the english dub. it makes no sense since you are on the correct english option. for some reason it is giving you the english cc subs even when you are on the english ones. maybe delete and re-download the Netflix app?? bc something is wrong with the subs showing up for you and it really is getting so many crucial things wrong.


The writer confirmed that it’s not true (that if they choose a different colour they could be a higher up) the colours is from an old asian ghost tale. ☺️