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Squid Game - Episode 1.mp4

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DUDE i was just talking about this show. it’s insane


lol oops i forgot i was gonna watch along with you guys. i’m already on episode 6


Welp I know what I'm doing right now

Sham Sham

I made it to ep 3 so far not really sucked in yet. Idk nothing really made me say damn😂 they gonna have to really bring it up a notch


something fun you might not know/notice is that the korean equivalent of red light/green light is a game called "the rose of sharon has bloomed", which is what they're actually playing in the show, it's just translated as something english speakers are familiar with. it's played with one kid facing away and saying the sentence "the rose of sharon has bloomed", with the other kids running forward while it's being said, and freezing when the sentence is over and the kid saying it turns around to look who is still moving. the rose of sharon is a type of tree, hence why the giant robot girl is leaning against a tree. it's so interesting to see what creative liberties netflix takes with subtitles lol

Daniela Madrid

I haven’t finished it yet but it’s already such a good show!!! Can’t wait for the rest of the reactions


Oh so that is what they're saying... I don't speak Korean but from my short history of being a kpop stan, when I hear them say the phrase, I hear flower and I assume the last word is bloom :)


This show is amazing!!


Wow so excited for the next episode


did you binge it all or are you watching alongside us for the first time? :)


dang i am so excited to watch the rest of these episodes now, this is intense


Just finished this. What an insane ride

Estherlynn Lubin

Didn’t know this even existed cuz I been so busy but thank you Anthony! I guess it’s time to binge 😂


The amount of memes I've seen about this drama made me finally decide to watch it. It's a good decision to watch with you guys because I don't think I could finish this by myself.


i think the subs on netflix are just buggin or smth because the subs on this is incorrect too. your version of the english subs and mine are completely different even though we both used the english option... the ones coming up for you are just wrong for some reason.


same! Well, with the memes and stuff. I've seen so many people watching it who aren't even into korean media and i was like "damn i guess i better watch it if even random people are tuning in". It's a really morbid and weird show, but it's what makes me like it.