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i was just made aware of this show. 

pnation got a boy group from this show recently and uhhhh - pnation already has great artists so i feel like it's safe to assume psy whipped up a great group from this show.

i think if i watch this i'll do it before girls planet 999 

what do you guys think? have you seen this survival show? if so, did you like it?

ps. kingdom thurs, vincenzo friday, high school rapper is on both of those days too i believe. 



I’ve watched a couple of episodes and I’ve enjoyed it! There are a couple standout contestants to me that I think you would like as well!


It's so good! The best survival show (in my opinion) and all of the contestants are super talented!

Jana Bcles

Watching it and I love it! These boys write their own songs etc and I love how involved both producers are especially PSY he’s so enjoyable to watch and interact with them


I haven't watched the whole thing but seen some videos so I know there's plenty of great young talent and the concept seems interesting. The show also doesn't really focus on the trainees personality wise as much other survival programs like produce or treasure box which is a choice that comes with it's own pros and cons. I think I'd definitely watch it with you if you chose to!


Anthony, the age range is 12-22


Also, about girls planet, I've completely changed my mind that it's not really worth watching. After I caught up with it there were so many moments where I was thinking I would love to see your reaction to this lol. I also literally stan 3 of the girls already lol so I'm invested now, just hope the show stays enjoyable and they don't lose me


I was so shook when you commented on YT that you just found out about this show I feel like me cam, Jana, baozi and maybe a few others have been yelling at you about this one for a while (don't worry I know you're busy and have a lot of comments 😂 I was just ded cuz I really thought you knew). This show is fantastic I think it directly tackles some of the issues that you brought up that you had with the way survival shows are done and if you want I can give you a list but overall it's just an exceptional level of talent and the show itself is very well produced. Plus we are going to get two great groups out of it and honestly even for the contestants that don't make it I think we will be seeing their names pop up in the Korean music industry throughout the next couple of years that's how influential I think it's about to be.


DANG they just keep getting younger and younger. i hope those kids are okay 😭


if you could, please update me in a few eps around the halfway point? i’m not too sure why episode they’re at, but i’m assuming they’re doing 10


no way 😭😭😭 i’m sorry. if you say it’s fantastic then i’m SURE it is, it shall be peeped


LOL don't apologize! I'm mostly making fun of you but yes there were quite a few comments 🤣🤣🤣

Jana Bcles

I was laughing so hard when I saw the YouTube comment that he never heard of it 🤣 but it’s all good! Better late than never 😂


omg yessssssssss highly recommend! I've watched up to the recent ep and its really good in my opinion. The trainees are so talented now can't wait to see what they bring when they finally debut. Overall the show is really well done. None of that mnet bs editing for a change 😂 There's definitely a handful of standout trainees that I think will be really popular once they debut solely cause of their skills. Also I've been watching girls planet 999 and its honestly the most boring survival show i've watched but still giving it a chance hoping it will get better 😭😭

Mattie H.

I feel like this show it right up your alley Anthony. Most if not all of the guys are self producers (and loads of them are YOUNG) and some are also in film making etc. They are all just very creative and I love the approach to how they pick the guys, audition them, etc. I initially wanted to watch because I love PSY and anything he’s involved in really, but the trainees/contestants really won me over 🤧


I feel like it would be something you’d like for sure, I haven’t watched it fully but peeped some stages by accident and now I’m excited to see what groups jyp and psy make especially psys first boy group….also side note there’s another survival show called mbc wild idol that has to do with trainees outdoors but I don’t know how that’s gonna go but there’s some underrated idols on that one


no idea LMAO something about taking the survival term literally and having to be physically strong on top of singing and dancing, like a army boot camp i guess, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5QTsjVibqU&ab heres the teaser if you want to check it out lol, there's a member from VAV on there and other smaller/former idols and trainees


without a doubt! I cannot sing this shows praise enough. The level of talent is insane. For instance...one kid for his audition used coding on his cell phone so that when he moved the phone it played beats.. You are going to be floored by these boys


Hey do you still plan on watching Loud? No pressure but I think you’d enjoy it a lot