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Vincenzo - Episode 2.mp4

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jasmine teume

oh look who remembered their netflix pw LOL


Sheesh thank you 🥲 I’ve been volunteering at a kids camp all week and I’m tired out of my MIND. They’re getting picked up in an hour and I know exactly what I’m going to do now when they’re gone. ( Find some coffee, collapse on a couch and watch this..)

Sham Sham

The audio has been fine no worries. I was wondering if you would recognize the chairman of Babel, he played the son of the politician in its ok to not be ok. The one who was running around the hospital naked. But boy I can’t wait until you get to the episodes when shit starts unraveling of people’s true identity’s 👀 and for the lighter Vincenzo said the sound of him opening and closing the lighter over and over helps him calm down.


LOL I didn’t notice him at all wow! Thanks for the refresher and we shall continue to get there!