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last two days!

majority of packing and shipping is today and tomorrow the entire desk will be put away so if i can cram some stuff in y’all know i got y’all.

on my lens i’ll update you guys on the journey on the drive down and let y’all know when the desk is set back up to get back to work when i arrive.

wifi should be set up first day but we’ll see if at&t trips nationwide 🤣 i appreciate everyone’s patience and new patrons thank you for joining please check other update posts -

tldr: move in day is tuesday, leaving monday & driving takes a day and a half since i’m gonna sleep halfway along the road, not posting much but should be back on schedule next week. check lens for updates along the way 🖤


Caroline esho

I hope that you have a save move and that everything goes well :) and don't be too stressed about making videos cause your health is the most important part. I understand that it can be very tiring to pack everything at home and move it to your new home while trying to make videos so take your time. :)


Good luck! Take your time. I know how stressful moving can be. I'm in the middle of trying to find a place myself. Looking into a house to rent in Kansas. (Manhattan to be exact) It's definitely a process. I feel for you! :) Just do what you can. 💜 Don't stress.

Taj carter

Good luck man‼️🤟🏾


Take ya time man, good luck and have a safe trip

ATINY Song Jihyeon

Hope everything goes amazing for you anthony , take your time! <3 xxxx


thank you caroline! will do my best to expedite the process, whatever is in my control! packing was so hard 😭😭


aye good luck amy! not stressing just a little worried about anxiety and tired from trying to play tetris with my belongings in my car all day 🤣


Have a safe drive!