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it’s always gonna be a current/ongoing kdrama that everyone and their family is talking about and it’s easy to believe the hype and be let down or avoid the hype and miss out.

we did uncanny counter and people were pretty happy telling me to check it out when it was ongoing and it was good overall!

what do you guys think of vincenzo? in terms of story, characters and overall enjoyment of the show? 👀



it’s good but i really suggest you watch penthouse 🤷🏽‍♀️just my opinion

Hồng Ánh

yassss! plsssss. the next one must be Vincenzo 😂😂😂😂


Yes. Love it!!!!!


Overall it is full pakage of brain and action and dark comedy you will really like it


You will not be disappointed!


Overall I'm so invested and im really enjoying it, I do think sometimes there's scenes that I'm not really feeling or stuff that feels unnecessary but as a whole I would definitely reccomend. The cast is insane too. Oh and just fyi, it's an action comedy kdrama so while it's pretty dark at times it is in similar vein to uncanny counter and strong woman sometimes too.


i haven't seen it, so i'll watch along if you do watch it! but my suggestion will always be Hotel del Luna or My Mister lol


Haven't sent it but I can vouch that the lead actor is really good he's been in a few of my favorite dramas. I doubt it's trash but can't say much more.


vincenzo is sooo good


it’s really good! plus the last two episodes release this weekend so you won’t have to wait for any other ones.

Hồng Ánh

or maybe Mouse??? i still can't finish that movie but maybe i can if you watch that movie too??? 😅😅😅

Melo Melody

Vincenzo is good and feels like Sweet home kinda ( the frustration) but without the monsters. I stopped on episode 7 because I was about to break my phone 🤣🤣 I need someone to watch with me 😅 it's really good tho. I think you will enjoy it.


Vincenzo is amazing!!!! You’ll end up loving the characters too. Might drag a little in first few eps. But once it picks up you’ll just want to keep watching. If you do watch it look out for a familiar face in one of the previous dramas you’ve reacted to 👀. There’s another drama I’ve binged lately called Beyond Evil which I also think you’d like but deffo recommend watching Vincenzo first.


I also think it's a lot easier to get into than penthouse. I do love penthouse though and I would be so unbelievably gassed if you were to check it out. Oh and save me too, extracurricular and sweet home are the only korean shows you've reacted to that are dark but save me takes it to the next level, that shit it heavyyy


It’s phenomenal please please react to it!!


Not seen it but been recommended a lot. Also recommend mouse, quite dark but that makes it super gripping to watch!




hotel del Luna/my mister is also a nice drama, but i think if you really want to react to Vincenzo before it, its fine with me but pls consider the following Dramas


Highly recommend it!! It’s really funny and intriguing at the same time!!


i was just about to start watching but ill wait if you plan on watching that next :D


I have been catching up on the show, and so far so good! Gotta agree with the comment that first few ep or two may be slow-paced. But it does pick up its pace after that tho! Also saw someone suggesting Penthouse, that one is also good but idk if you’re gonna be okay with the level of frustration and the drama the show got going lol.


Freaking hilarious. I loved it. ^^ It’s over the top and dramatic in a super self aware way. The storyline is interesting too. Personally I’d definitely recommend it if you want to watch something exciting AND laugh till your stomach hurts.


Yess !! Love it ,, and please make sure to watch the drama Mouse and the penthouse after vincenzo ~ ❤🎉


Love it


Its really good, highly recommend it, along with Vagabond.


I haven’t seen it. 😁


yess! its really good and funny, the story and action are nice too.


i think the frustration could be funny to experience even though in the moment i might get annoyed 😂 i could laugh at myself later on


Currently halfway thru it's hilarious at some points but bit of a letdown so far think my expectations were way too high cuz of the hype plot and cast 😅 pretty sure Vagabond will be more your cup of tea


So far 10/10 highly recommended. It is hilarious and also a reall solid good storyline. Youll definitely enjoy it


i was watching it but yesterday i was watching an episode and something happened that made me feel icky. it’s like man, korea loves to make fun of gay people. i know that it doesn’t have much to do with the rest of the show outside of that episode but it left a bad taste in my mouth.


I watched the first 7 episodes, and haven't gone back yet. Not bad, just not what I was expecting. The preview I saw made it seem like a serious drama, which it is, but it's also highly comedic. Which I was not expecting. So I enjoy it, but I'm not hooked to it either. But I would watch it with you if you wanted to do it. Long episodes though so be warned. I think they're each an hour and 20 minutes.


I love it. I’m not a big romance person, and it’s more actiony and genuinely hilarious.


I’ve seen a lot of people being surprised at it because it’s not what they expected but after getting over that initial surprise, most people have seemed to really enjoy it. I went in not having any expectations/ not knowing what it was going to be about and have really been enjoying it! It’s like the perfect mix of comedy and action. I’ve seen all the suggestions for Penthouse though and that definitely is a great (but frustrating as heck) drama. I’d recommend them both!

Estherlynn Lubin

I heard Vincenzo I good but I haven’t watched it yet. If you’re gonna watch I might as well wait to do it with you


The first episode got me hooked but I stopped because I wanted to binge watch it when it finished so it would be perfect to watch it along with you✨


Also Anthony I highly recommend “Flower of Evil” if you want a dark drama. It is freaking incredible


ima be honest, the synopsis sounded really interesting since i love mafia based shows but it's so over the top with the goofy comedy aspect it's a bit too cringy for me at times. heard it gets better plot and pacing wise after the first few eps but havent felt the urge to finish off ep 3 myself

Jessica Vaquero

What character/episode are you talking about specifically? SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't watched the show but if you're talking about Minseong, the bank president, I hope you know they weren't making fun of gay people in general. Minseong assaulted multiple men that he dated and the show made it clear that these were gay men who were victimized and couldn't go to the police for fear of being outed. Thus making it clear that someone like Minseong is the exception and not the rule. And he was kind of ridiculous but so are most of the characters lol. But I would like to hear what specifically made you feel icky


Vagabond is crazy. Currently watching "Taxi Driver" I would definitely recommend if you're up for watching some crazy action. ( It's super dark tho be warned)

Jessica Vaquero

I'm almost finished and I have to say it's one of the best Kdrama's I've watched, for someone who's not into romance centered plots, this was perfect. The story is well though out, albeit confusing at times for someone who isn't familiar with many of the topics brought up. The characters are also quite well-written in my opinion. Very morally grey on both sides but you can still see who's more in the wrong and it just makes it more interesting to me. There's some things I would've changed if I had a choice but I love it for what it is. I'm very certain you would like it too, it's a mix of a very a serious corruption plot and over the top humor.


its pretty fun but i am only 6 episodes in.


I watched one episode wasn't really feeling it, you should watch the penthouse it's too good.


Yass such a good drama


good drama !!


i watched 4 episodes and stoped . i recommend "search " it's a mystery horror thriller i think you will like it.

Ceyda Nur

It's really good I strongly recommend it 👍🏻

Makayla H Coleman

I would recommend Beyond Evil. It really makes you think.


yesss omydayss i love that drama. if only i could frget about it and see it again.

ATINY Song Jihyeon

I've never seen either of them so I'm up for watching along with you! <3


Yes! I love that drama. :D I'd love it if you did that one next.


Although I'm not done with it. But I was enjoying it with how much I saw of it.


I've only watched the first 2 episodes but I know a lot of spoilers lol. The beginning is really cool and it's obvious they had an insane budget but then it switched the tone a lot and I didn't feel like continuing. However, it still seems like a really good drama so I'd definitely watch along with you. :)


Oooh okay I understand that there might be a bit of overhype but I am watching it currently and I was surprised at how much I love it. At first it was really hard to get into it since the humor felt out of place and cringy. Some others find his Italian to be cringy too (I don't mind it). But it honestly became more and more enjoyable since you grow to enjoy the characters including the side characters. In terms of story, it might not be for everyone since it misses key elements to understand how things are happening per say. But the plot isn't confusing and you get invested still to want to know what's next, imo. If you enjoyed how cool Park Saeroyi was in Itaewon class, you'll really find that Vincenzo is pretty cool too. Romance in the drama is really to the minimum and is taking it's time to develop even a little bit. I think Anthony you'd enjoy lots of parts of the drama but also not... which idk how to explain it but I can understand if ppl have mixed feelings about some episodes. I'm picky with what becomes my favorite dramas, but I'm surely adding Vincenzo to the list (btw it has 20 episodes).


I'm in love with this drama !!!!! <3

strawberry jam


Mai San

Not bad. Not good either. I couldn't keep myself to finish it. Idk it was so hyped that maybe my expectation were a little bit too high .. But if you'll watch it, i'll watch it with you until im tired of it lmao But if i could give you some recommendation, i'll go for Flower of Evil, Save me or Vagabon maybe ! :)


I absolutely adore vincenzo😩 my favorite drama


yep. Can't recommend Vagabond engough. The stunts in that show are seriously next freaking level.

Brooke Curren

haven't finished it yet but it's definitely a good drama!

Nicole Lucena

Quality vibes it gives the same as Crash Landing on you, but with less of the romance aspect involved. It’s ridiculously good.

Jana Bcles

Tbh I finish a CDrama with 41 episodes faster than im finishing Vincenzo. I do like it but I’m not addicted to it 😅 hope in the future you’ll add “while you were sleeping” and “w: two worlds” to your list 🤞🏽

Jana Bcles

Thank you! I def have to check it out. Only been a Patreon for a couple months now 🙃


I hope in the future you'll check out Hotel Del Luna, IU is amazing in it, and it's another supernatural afterlife theme with the romance of the two main charcters. I also think you'll love the fashion IU rocks in it.


it's a bit slow and confusing in my opinion. I would recommend flower of evil or hotel del luna

Suzanne Austen

I haven't watched it because a lot of people don't think its that good. The main girl is beyond annoying, the story is a mess and some scenes are just ridiculous, apparently the only great thing about it are the villains. If you want something in that sort of genre though I would suggest something like Flower of Evil or Vagabond


It would be nice if you watched Extra-Ordinary You or SKY Castle instead. Heck, you finishing Goblin would be even better.


I personally really enjoyed vincenzo but I understand that it's not a drama for everyone...it's a lot more of a parody but for me (and for a lot of people) the change in tone is where the charm of the series is. it's funny when it's funny but it's also dark and even sad when the story requires....not to mention the acting which is in my opinion the best of the year and one of the best I've ever seen in a kdrama, not only for the main lead but the villains and even side characters are played with perfection. I think it's worth a shot since it is very entertaining but if you wanna watch something thats 100% on the darker tone, I'd suggest vagabond! :)


everyone has their own opinions but to me its a good drama with great actors.....i enjoy the comedy and also the seriousness, theres a good balance


Ok so I literally just got done watching the last episode and I have no words. I absolutely recommend it.


its so so so good