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The Uncanny Counter - Episode 15 - Reaction.mp4

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Daniela Madrid

To hopefully give some insight to some of your questions. With Hana’s family background basically her parents tried committing family suicide so they put poison in their food while they were having dinner. Hana was the only survivor. They never truly specified why they did it but I assumed it was for a financial reason because they pointed that her family was going through financial issues when she went to ask help to her “uncle.” Now with the crazy lady (forgot her name) spirit. They’ve mentioned throughout the show that if the spirit and the host are compatible then they can merge and become one. I believe that her and her spirit had already merged into one which is why her appearance didn’t change as the spirit was being summoned. This applies to cheong sin where he appeared as the embodiment of the evil spirit to the mayor in the hospital because him and his spirit had already merged so spirit took on cheong sin’s appearance. Lastly about so mun I’ll say my theory about him in the last episode reaction once everything is said and done.


I just finished the finale and came to that conclusion, and I was quite sad at that fact. That even if they were going through it and stuff they decided to try to take the kids as well. They didn't say how Hana knew though right? She just threw it up? I also recall the information about the merge but I thought they had to be a certain level to merge as well as be compatible. Fair with the face changes though!


they really brought Son Hojun in just to kill him off


I really hope season 2 clarifies some of the questions we have and give us more of a background on the lives of the characters.

Jessica Vaquero

I don't think Mun has two partners now. When a counter dies their partner in Yung disappears, however I think because Mun is a bridge between the world and Yung, as Jeongu's partner was departing Mun was able to bring him back to Yung and prevent his death. He saved him but I don't think that means their partners. As for Hyeok-u I'm intrigued to see if they do anything with his character in season 2. Trying to kill his dad wasn't right, but I feel like resentment and hatred is inevitable when you raise a kid that way. as horrible as he was in the first half, I think if it wasn't for his father he might've never been so terrible. I like that just like Cheong-sin (not the spirit, the host) he wasn't a two dimensional antagonist, hopefully he's actually changed.

Melo Melody

This drama needs a second season, even without watching the last episode ( kinda don't want to 😭) I can tell that we need a second season for sure

Sham Sham

They really pulled the “we gonna show u mun done developed another power but he ain’t gone is use”😂 and same as soon as we saw jung-sin go in the mayor last ep I was so sad like him of all people. And I miss the creepy/scary as laugh Jung -sin would do. But man mun has such a good heart helping out the mayors son cause my ass couldn’t. Like you have been bullying me and my friends too recently But I love to see it. Am sad the killed of Jeong-gu like tht tho took one straight to the back of the neck.

Sham Sham

Ahh that makes sense. I think that is so cool tho, he can keep so many spirits alive. I really think hyeok may catch a body for season 2 but it would be nice to see him change and start doing better.

Daniela Madrid

No I don’t think Hana knew until probably after it happened and she did throw it up. About the spirit merging it does happen after you are a certain level but I think her already merging was the most reasonable explanation onto why her appearance didn’t change when she was summoned.


ahh yeah that’s fair! i wish he had two though 😂 but thanks for that!