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The Uncanny Counter - Episode 11 - Reaction.mp4

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Lol dw you didn't actually miss anything at the end it was just a quick scene switch where they made it seem like it was mo tak who knocked on her car window but the scene actually took place some time after she was shot

Sham Sham

I’m sorry idk y I laughed so hard when sin walked in with his clean suite 😂 like u know damn well u about to try and kill all these people but u come dressed like u got a interview. And I really can’t pick who crazier him or the damn lady🤨 But the smile on mo-tak’s face when mun got them powers back and broke loose was so precious despite him being in a pit of fire. And yeah that was memories coming back in store👏🏾 They for sure got me with ms. chu I was already losing it before she got back to us. But man poor detective Kim😫 🥲 poor Mr. mo


So about the captured spirit going into Mun, I think it's the same as when Wi-Gen got sucked into him in the first episode. He's just naturally this conduit between earth and Yung. I also think that's why he can summon the territory. As far as people who have flatlined, I think it depends on the person how aware of things they are. Some people when they come to it's feels instantaneous. But my aunt almost died (and we think she flatlined, my uncle wasn't able to find her pulse) a few years ago. She had cancer and they were out on a road trip and stopped to look at a lake and she said the lights from the sun on the water got really really bright and then she was gone. She said she felt really at peace and ready to move on but she could hear my uncle calling to her saying that he needed her so she decided to come back. But when she woke up she'd been moved to another location out of the sun while they were waiting for the ambulance, so she also wasn't aware of what was going on and time. So aware and also not if that answers your question at all. Back to the show, not to spoil any future shows you watch, but the cure to amnesia is a good hit to the head. This is apparently a known fact in the land of kdrama. You may experience moments of, sometimes, extreme agitation as they fail to hit the character in the head for several episodes. It got to a point, years ago when i was early into my kdrama experiences, where i wondered if that would actually work in the real world.

Melo Melody

How many episodes does this drama have? Now I'm scared that Mun-tak will want revenge 😱😱 he is capable of killing someone in one go.

Melo Melody

Ooh! The plots are happening quite fast for a 16 episodes drama, I love it

Daniela Madrid

One thing you’ll notice in the future for kdrama cliffhangers is that they will cut the last scene and make you interpret it one way but in the next episode you will see it’s completely the opposite and then show you the whole scene. In this case they just made it seem like he was already there but whoever shot her was the one that knocked on her window then maybe like a few minutes later that’s when mo-tak came. They made the scene seem like there were there at the same time but not really.


hey , have you considered watching IU kdramas like hotel del luna, the producers ,scarlet heart ryeo .like you are just getting to know her,might as well get to know her actress life to


I feel you on the things should be explained more like how Yung and the spirits work but I guess leaving some of it to figure out on your own is better than over explaining to a degree. And yes that last scene was kind of weird cos it looked like her phone was ringing as he was running to the car but it mustve been an earlier call. Either way, that last scene felt like sht the first time i saw it i felt so bad for them

Jessica Vaquero

I don't think Cheong-sin and the crazy lady are together lol they're just working together. And now I understand why Jeongyeong told her partner to pretend he never saw the photos, it's because she knew too much and she didn't want him to get killed as well, which makes me really sad, she was such a great character. No matter how much pressure was on her, she never gave up on justice.