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Kingdom: Legendary War - Episode 2.mp4

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Sham Sham

Legit chugged down a coffe to keep me up for this😂 but yeah sadly after rewatching the stages I understand y ikon came last witch hurt my ikonic heart. For me after rewatching their stage I feel like the intro which was the remake of rhythm ta was the most intriguing part because we got to see the dance side of ikon we don’t get to see since ikon always focuses on just enjoy their stages instead of dancing. after rhythms to dance break ended it went back to the ikon we all already know the fun and just free spirits we love. But I’m still triggered they really made Hyunjin leave over these dumb ass allegations like skz is 8 not fuckin 7😡 Now what ever team is behind the boyz need to win some awards dude. Their stage was amazing and it wasn’t even the choreo that got me like it usually does. it was mostly the set and the point of vewi they used it felt so one on one/personal I loved it. And I haven’t seen anyone use the sheet with the hands behind it in a while so that was nice to see again. But I had the same exact feeling. I felt like love scenery could of held out a little longer just cause ...I mean it’s love scenario u usually want to save songs the big last for like the finale it would have been perfect, but they still killed. I do think putting love scenario and killing me was smart tho simply because those two songs were already like yang and yang killing me is legit the darker version of love scenario.


does anyone else find it weird that ikon hasn't had any live vocals in either of their first two performances? it's so distracting, i can't figure out why they would do that


iKONICs kinda guessed that iKON was 6th after the 1st episode so I was already sad without that confirmation yet lol. It's really unfortunate & I was worried that iKON will also be very disheartened. But like they said, it's only going up from here. And the fandom is doing what Junhoe asked us to and that's to unite as best as we can rn, so I'm hoping that teams that ranked low can rank high! I think iKON's song choices were good since they might not have the opportunity to use them, if it's to their advantage, later on. If it follows Queendom that is. I really am glad that iKON made a storyline that's clear and DK's contribution was the best! Their dancing also went off! Personally I was able to enjoy many elements from them in this stage. I'm looking forward to them showcasing their vocals & rap in the next stages! Btob doing Missing You which is my favorite song by them so I'm glad they did that and again the clear live vocals cannot NOT be enjoyable. Loving the performances, not loving the fan voting lol


We've told you about Sejeong though lol. You probably missed the comments, it's okay. As for Kingdom, The Boyz killed it as usual, wow!!! It also makes me feel some sort of way that Minhyuk (BTOB) used to be one of the best in terms of athleticism back when he'd compete on Dream Team and now even he is so worried about the more physically demanding parts of a show like Kingdom. I mean, I get it, it's probably been a while but still...they're making it seem like they're so old their bones are going to shatter or something lol. idk, it's a weird feeling...because they keep highlighting that it even made me super nervous before the performance...like, for no reason...hahha. And FINALLY, HOW DARE THEY END THE EPISODE THERE??!! TT-TT How am I supposed to wait a week for Stray Kids and Ateez? The preview for SF9 made me excited too, even though I don't know them that well (only know Rowoon from Extraordinary You)...so...a lot of waiting for 3 performances that will for sure floor me.

Mai San

About Ikon song choice, I think it was a great idea because we don’t know if they will be able to choose their own songs for later mission. It might be cover mission or even original song (like Queendom) so they made the right choice in my opinion. Even tho I wasn’t a fan of the stage lmao


Both in Queendom & RTK they had only 1 Round where they could pick their own Song instead of do a Cover. Also, there will be at least one swap round so doing LC now is the best because then another group can't do it anymore. Also... TBZ performance just fell flat to me.


I thought of a question after this stream. the voting still confuses me because the performances that happened in this episode are on YouTube but obviously the ones that haven't aired aren't so won't the groups who have already gone have extra time to collect views? I'm assuming there is something in place to even that out but I'm just curious because it seems like they're going to be doing results right away after the round so I don't really get how we can vote if we haven't seen half the performances yet.


If you ever have a chance, watch Ikon’s dance practice for their performance. The camera work was so much better. I honestly don’t know what Mnet was thinking with their camera work because it didn’t show their expressions or the killing me part with dk.


Omg same,as an iKONIC this is highkey triggering, I really hope it's because mnet doesn't let them but it's probably a choice, seeing how Ateez still performs live despite the hardcore dancing. And just because of that, I don't even want them to win as much as I should. Because at this point it would almost feel disrespectul to the other groups, knowing as a fan that they clearly didn't even try to do the basic thing ppl want to see from them: live performances.


Honestly, I didn't really enjoy Tbz's performance that much. As someone who actually watched GOT, it felt kind of "cosplay-ish" in a tacky way. I really liked their performance in ep1 though. Ppl are onto smth when they say that tbz should stop trying to top what they already did on rtk and instead try to go in a completely different direction and top themselves that way. Knowing that they used to have a brighter/catchier concept, going back to those roots on kingdom could really work to their advantage in the long run. Just like it did for lovelyz in QUEENDOM, when they stopped trying so hard to be ô so mysterious and sexy as if being bright would make them less cool than the others. Like some already said, I also think iKON going for LS + Killing Me now was a great choice because otherwise it would feel like these are really their best songs when in fact they have so much more to offer, and performing them in the beginning helps to show that confidence in their own discography. + Prevent other groups from stealing it later if they swap songs. + Honestly even if I love LS the song in itself is nowhere as impactful as ppl make it ou to be, especially not for a finale. Finally, BTOB did amazing and their performance was close to perfect imo despite the budget issue, and the song arrangement being so good participated greatly in that. I really hope in future eps groups will focus more on making actually good sounding remixes/covers/songs and not just some kind of weird performance bgm. And pleaasee : more live singing!!!!!! It's in time like this that I reallly miss Queendom...

aicrylic (aimee)

Pretty sure the groups that had their performances upload get their views counted for a week and then they stop counting, then the next 4 performances get released and they also get a week to stream


This is not that great of a thing to say... but I don’t think any of this week’s performances were all that exciting. I enjoyed them all but none of them were super special like the majority of the RTK performances seemed to be. The preview looks like the next 3 groups are all gonna rip it up so let’s hope that’s the case. I love TBZ but it was missing any form of excitement. BTOB was good too but I could’ve left the room for snacks and not been upset. Really really looking forward to seeing what SF9 does with their performance


I can think of 5 different RTK performances that were incredible off the top of my head by different artists, but none for Kingdom yet. I feel like RTK was produced and handled better but we’re only two episodes into Kingdom so I guess we’ll see. I miss ONF lol


Really loved BtoB's performance here, their performance felt like it had all the elements: interesting concept with the trees and time passing which matches with the song's lyrics, "dance break" aka Minhyuk going ham with a sword, and it all built up to explosive live vocals (also the song itself is iconic and the arrangement made it perfect for this kind of stage). I'm personally muuuch more interested in how groups sound live and how the song is rearranged than crazy gymnastics since it has more rewatch value for me