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I've been attempting to be more vocal about what's going on with me and how I'm feeling. I've made posts in the past 10 or so months about it and have just simply been trying to not be so closed off as I always am. I'm not too sure if it helps yet, but I'm still wanting to try.

Last night, I'd fallen back into a string of thoughts that led me to wonder what I'm doing, if it's the right thing, etc. After that, it often results in me questioning if me even feeling these things are valid and I think they are, so that's why I want to push through the resistance in my head of me telling you guys and try to post it anyways. I really hope no one misunderstands me, and if you do, I will do my best to try to clarify what I meant. These thoughts have been happening for a while now, and I lose to them every time. 

Views. Subscribers. Viewers. Patrons. 

If I mention any of those things, I feel like I'm bound to look shallow, or as if I'm doing everything for attention or money, but I'd like to say you guys have given me the opportunity to do these videos as if it's a part-full time job since I get paid as much as I did working my last job. What started these thoughts did come from the viewpoint of letting the numbers determine my worth and I can get how that's wrong but it caused me to look within and see what was in my control, or what could be my fault. I do believe in accountability and taking ownership so I wanted to see what I'd find. I've never been able to understand why people watch my reactions, and I feel like that's a problem. It feels rather isolating to feel like (from my experience watching other's videos) I'm the only one that speaks my mind fully, on things, even if I don't express them well ha. Mostly everyone enjoys everything and that can speak true to their wide range of taste. Please don't take this as I'm bashing any of the kpop youtubers as I'm friends with a lot of them. It just feels like the more I say, "This one isn't my cup of tea." or "I don't know how I feel about this one y'all." I'm digging the channel deeper and deeper into the grave. The more I say something isn't my style, I lose viewers - which again, makes sense as I'm aware people view reactions to see others hype up their favorite artists. I just feel like it sucks. 

Why do you guys enjoy my reactions?

I asked myself, instead of just thinking about it... Some people DO like that I don't like things, maybe it's more realistic, maybe it's relatable to them personally, or maybe it's to gain perspective of someone who doesn't normally like the things you love and engage in conversation. 

Some of you likely came from a couple years ago when I started with BTS. From the jump I was very fond of their artistry and the lyrics always seemed like they portrayed beautiful, meaningful things and I enjoy things like that. People told me that was always the case with their music so I went into every song looking for some deeper music. I was always looking at things with a fine eye and reading more in depth to the lyrics. Then finding out that they had a complex story line and stuff gave me even more of a reason to look deeper into things. Once that concluded and I dipped my feet into other groups, I started to carry that into their videos to until I started to get comments telling me that I pause too much, talk too much, or that I'm looking at things too deeply and I should just enjoy the song/music video. I noticed that I was looking for deeper meaning in club/party songs lol, so I understood them and started to get out of that habit, which then resulted in me just going off of what I'm hearing and if I enjoy it or not. The result of that was more shorter videos and more videos of me saying I don't like things.

I've always felt jealous of people being able to express themselves and how their feeling. Seeing more idols in shows and stuff opened me up even more because it became the main consumption of media for me. I've been wanting to learn to be more expressive and I feel like that's another reason the progress of things have plateaued. I'm not good at expressing that "I really enjoy this, I'm happy right now.", which seems to be a common thing in a positively received reaction video. 

I personally do not care about how many subscribers are on the channel, but with the way that online content creation works it's important to mention it. I like to see our community grow and have more conversations in the comments with new people. I'm grateful for everyone who has subscribed as well. It's a part of having a channel though, so that's why I mentioned viewership, subscribers etc. I wanted to view it critically and share my thoughts on it so I hope that doesn't come off as "Why don't I have more subscribers? I should have more subscribers." 

I am a work-a-holic so I am always trying to be productive and use every hour of the day doing something towards something. I make to do lists, that exceed the hours of the day I'm available to do things and get really disappointed in myself when they aren't all finished. I don't count anything as progress or getting things done unless everything on the list is done. It's unhealthy, I'm aware but I'm in a race with myself. 

In terms of growth, I don't think that it hasn't really benefitted me in either way, posting less, or posting more. It feels like I'm at a stand still. I took the advice to primarily focus on videos I wanted to focus on (here/YT) and occasionally do request, it didn't do me much good. I started to post a lot more, on select days, doing whatever people requested, and I'm not sure if it helped either. I take a lot of you guys' feedback and comments to heart and try my best to cater to your wants and stuff, which I don't think it a problem, I feel like it all makes sense in a "content creator's" position but it is hard. 

Which then makes me feel like it's because of me, since I feel I don't have much of a interesting personality, and I'm not good at expressing myself. 

I feel like, in the spectrum of content, I cover a pretty decent range. Here and on YT, but, they're either not growing because of me, because I'm not focusing on one specific group, or because I say how I honestly feel. It kind of leaves me lost at what to do, how to post, when others are able to grow by doing less videos? If I'm making sense? Kudos to them of course, I'm not wanting to take away anyone's accomplishments or anything I'm just hoping it makes some type of sense. 

Despite all the negative feelings and slight comparisons and feeling defeated, I still also have a part of me that wants to try, and try harder. Do more. Because I don't like giving things up and I've always wanted to do things like this as a job one day, and even if it doesn't branches into other things as well, I don't want to let this go. It still motivates me to try. I've wanted to help my older sister pay for her surgery, help my little sister have money for college, give my grandma money whenever she needs help and I need to be able to help myself take this leap moving out of state in a couple of months as well. I want to be able to help the people I'm supposed to help and feel balanced. I'm not sure how I can learn to be more outgoing or expressive but I will look into anything I can so that I can do that.

I'm sorry if videos haven't been enjoyable to you guys over the course of time. I'm not sure if I should only upload the reactions to the songs I ended up liking or keep things as they've been. I can't say I'll make videos acting like I like every song because it takes way too much energy to do all of that but I'm actively trying to come up with positive solution. 😓 



I like your video’s because of who you are and your personality so please don’t change for anyone, you are one of the few that i stay till the end of the video to hear your fall thoughts and opinion and that’s because I’m really interested in what you have to say.


Idk about other people, but for me you are definitely my favorite YOUTUBER in general!! You have exposed me to a lot of new things/groups/ideas. You are one of 2 people that I support on Patreon, and I enjoy doing it. I enjoy your lives because you are so personable and I genuinely feel like you are more of a friend than an influencer or reactor. But with that being said I sincerely hope you are doing this because YOU enjoy it. Keep doing you, and don't stress yourself out too much because the REAL supporters of you will understand and want you to be happy with yourself.


I don’t usually comment but I felt like I should this time. I don’t know about everybody else but my favourite thing about your reactions is how honest you are, I don’t expect you to like every song you react to because people have different tastes and stuff and other people shouldn’t expect you to either. I don’t think you should hide your real thoughts and feelings about songs or anything in general. I really appreciate your honesty and love hearing your thoughts and theories about songs. Please don’t change for other people, if they can’t see how great your personality already is then they are not worth it. And about you ‘pausing too much’ I personally like that you pause and take a deeper dive into songs, it definitely gives me different perspectives and ideas and the songs and other things. Overall you are my favourite YouTuber and you are the reason I got Patreon in the first place. Anyway sorry for the massive paragraph but I just wanted you to know I appreciate you!


Man I love and enjoy your content because of your honesty and how you thoroughly seem to be interested in what you’re watching/listening to, no matter if you end up liking it or not! Always remember that you and your feelings are valid Anthony, it’s also okay to take breaks whenever you need to. I know how hard it can be to open up to others, I hope you find comfort in those who genuinely support you, much love


I love you for your personality and just the type of person you are. I don’t care if you like a group or don’t like a group. What matters to me is that you’re doing what you love and also that you’re honest. If there’s something you don’t enjoy or you want to try something else then I support you, your decisions, and opinions 100% because I know you would do the same for anyone else. You always work so hard for the sake of your subscribers and supporters and I find you really admirable. I know you have trouble believing things like this when I tell you, but please at least know that no matter how many people leave for whatever reasons, that you’ll have others that appreciate you and everything you do and will stay there for you no matter what. 💙


Your 100% aloud to feel the way you do! I enjoy your content because your you and not someone else. You are always honest no matter the song or the show your watching. So I want to continue saying be you, and we will stick with you!


Forgot to add that I think you’re very likable and respectful and I genuinely hope everything works out for you and your family


i like your videos because of how honest and genuine you are with your reactions. you also aren’t afraid to react to something different that you may initially know you might not like. i also am a cheap person so paying for content usually isn’t my thing but i just had to with you because of how entertaining you are. please continue to do what you do and be yourself. i also don’t want you to feel like we have expectations from you, you’re a human being and we all have our days so if you need to take time to do things then please go right ahead. love you man.

Sarah Gurnel

As someone who has watched and still watch a lot of different reactor, you'll always have a special place in my heart and be my favorite. I can relate to you, you're honest you don't fake your reaction and/or overreact. Also I feel like your the reactor that I have the closest "bond" if that makes sense, like through your streams and here and everything I feel like I'm just watching tv with a friend lol and I find myself checking out stuff I usually don't find myself interested in because I'm interested in seeing your thoughts and for that I'm veryyyy thankful because I've discovered so many music, artists, show and movie because of your videos. Please don't think that you have to change anything about you and your personality you don't have to rip your headphones scream and get up from your chair to show us that you enjoy a song lmao 😂 As for you saying you don't understand why people like your reaction, I can't speak for everybody of course but to me it's just feel great to have someone to share my excitement with over things that bring me joy since I don't have any irl friends into Korean music or drama. Anyway, hope you won't beat yourself to much over this, you're doing amazing Anth and you don't need to change a single thing 🖤🖤

marissa h.

you are my favorite youtuber BECAUSE of your personality and taste. i’ve come to really value your opinions and i always notice things that i wouldn’t have without your videos. it’s very entertaining to watch you whether you love something or not so much i like to hear different opinions regardless and we all really appreciate that about your content! please keep doing things at your own pace, watch what you are interested in, and keep things as genuine as always and we will all be here to keep supporting you!


I think you’re going to get a range of answers here, but I’m anticipating they will all be positive. I watch all of your videos, even the ones that are reactions to songs I’ve already heard and don’t like, or artists I don’t vibe with. For example, I don’t like iKon (sorry ya’ll) but I’ve watched all of your content involving them. I like you and your personality and that’s something that’s harder to explain in words because it’s just vibes. Even when you don’t like something and I personally love it, I don’t get offended and don’t mind hearing a different opinion. No matter what you do you cannot make everyone happy so do things that feel fully authentic to yourself and let that be what it may, I think.


I like your videos because they are just not reaction , you talk about them as well . Your subscribers are not growing doe doesn't mean you need to change your path, maybe just change the approach a little bit like when to post what kind of artist on your channel and like a pattern that people can follow but don't change your style of reaction, I love it . And I don't know if that will make you feel better, You were the first youtuber for whom I joined paetron because you liked the same kind of content I love to watch and you were transparent with your thoughts on them. So don't get disheartened 😀 and try some different approach (not your style of reaction...I love your honesty about the artist's works)for youtube until you find what works for you . And I am sure you will be fine 😀


thank you for sharing this with us, its okay to question yourself sometimes but tbh your content is really good. and its because you don’t pretend to like things that you don’t like, that’s why i started following you on yt, i was tired off youtubers always “loving” the song just for the views.. you’re open to everything and don’t only follow the hype etc. You’re one of my two favourite youtubers and thats why im here on patreon now, to support you the way i can because you work hard, and not only you give us content almost everyday while dealing with your personal life but you’re honest and keep things real. please don’t be to hard on yourself, you’re doing an amazing job and i will always support you and probably everybody here too !! <3333 love


I have only been a patron for a couple weeks but I have followed your youtube for over a year and honestly you are one of the few reactors I actually stuck with and looked forward to your reactions. I value your opinions and I respect you and other reactors even more when they acknowledge that something isn't necessarily their taste. On top of that, even when youre honest about not favoring something you're still respectful of the craft and the effort that goes into it and that combination of honesty and respect towards artists and viewers can be hard to find. I appreciate the chill vibe and I tend to prefer it more than the over-the-top reactors that often times come across fake. Also, I understand where you're coming from when you say that it can be hard for you to express yourself when you like something but as a viewer I can usually tell by how engaged you are and your facial expressions whether you're enjoying what you're watching and that's enough for me! I'm also horrible about rewatching shows and you actually got me to rewatch some of my favorite kdramas and get me back into survival shows with your reactions! In the long run, me and I'm sure many others, truly enjoy the content you put out otherwise we wouldn't be here. However, make sure to put yourself first and, like you said, you want to please your viewers but your emotions and your life should always come first. If you've got stuff going on we can be patient and wait for uploads! Take care <3

Mica Ferguson

Hi, this got super-duper long, but your posts like this always make me think lol. I’m normally a quiet watcher of your content, but I feel compelled to comment to support you and let you know you aren't doing anything wrong! Your content and you as a person are absolutely fine and please don't change to try to appeal to other people or feel like you should be doing more of x/y/z. I appreciate how introspective and self-reflective you are because I'm like that too. One of my favorite videos of yours is your reaction to Ego and I go back and look at some of your older stuff too like Dean’s Instagram (which is how I found your channel) because I love how you made me think about the content of the song and relate to and understand those songs more because of your interesting thoughts. I appreciate your thoughts, honesty, and your chill demeanor. You are always respectful and kind in your thoughts. You “talking too much” or you “pausing too much” just to share your thoughts or really take in moments from songs and MVs is what appeals to me about your channel and people can like what they like, but I find it very disappointing people feel like they can mold you into what they want out of a reactor. There are plenty of other reaction channels where people are loud and just scream and absolutely lose it and I like those channels too, but I also love critically analyzing things and seeing the deeper value and meaning they can have and that’s why I watch your channel. For something anecdotal, I used to be a content creator years ago myself. Being poor has put that on the back burner, but I also recognized I had severely burned myself out thinking about and trying to "gain more followers” or get people to like me. I constantly wanted to improve and post things because I wanted people to see my work and what was great about it and there were times when I couldn't understand why people were clicking with others doing similar things as me and not looking at me or my work. It sounds selfish but when you work hard on something and share it with the world, it only makes sense to want vindication for working so hard on it and being successful with it and there’s nothing wrong with that. Your feelings are absolutely valid. If there was one thing I learned during my time as a content creator that I’m now reflecting on more and more, it’s that trying to please others or get people to follow you and look at you and feel you should be at a certain level is not helpful to your growth because you become so self-critical when you see others more successful than you doing the same/similar things. It’s hard out here in the age of technology and social media and how anyone with the right luck can become an influencer at the drop of a hat while you struggle to grow despite working at something for years. And I'm not a reactor on YT but if there's something I've seen when it comes to reactors, especially K-Pop ones, is that fans are fickle and they want things done a specific or certain way or you will be criticized and ignored. So when you make your content, please make your content as you see fit! It can get hard, but if you keep doing you, you will always have people there to support you.


To answer your question about why I like your videos, I want to tell you a little bit about my own journey into kpop. In January of 2016, my father was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and even though I was almost 23 at the time, you’re never prepared for it. To help me escape from the emotional turmoil that I was experiencing, my friends came over and we decided to venture into kpop since we were already huge anime fans and I personally love Korean dramas. We tried a few artists but nothing clicked for me until I saw Dope by BTS. It was an instant connection. They brought me the comfort I so desperately needed and still do to this day, but especially after my dad passed in September of that year. I got into a few other groups afterwards of course but nothing like BTS has ever clicked quite as strong. Because of that I scavenged YouTube watching reaction videos of BTS songs because I wanted to see if other people and one day I stumbled upon one of yours. It might of been the first BTS reaction video you had ever done, even before you started your KPOP channel if I remember correctly but I could be mistaken, but I felt like you were genuine with your thoughts about the music. When you started your kpop channel and later your Patreon, I instantly subscribed because you are GENUINE with your reactions and I appreciate that. You like to have discussions about the content you watch and it’s fun. No shade towards anyone but looking at the screen saying wow doesn’t really do much for communicating why exactly you like that song or video but if that Of course there will always be songs that you just don’t mesh with. I’m sure there are songs you enjoyed that I didn’t and visa versa but I like that you’re open about it. It gives everyone the opportunity to say why THEY like it or why it didn’t work for them either. It makes the community more fun and inviting. You’re the only person that I subscribe too on Patreon because you honestly seem to enjoy watching the content and it’s like watching a show with a friend. You are very much appreciated so please don’t feel bad about letting your thoughts. Never feel bad about taking care of your mental health.


The reason I like reaction videos on general, but especially yours is bc I don’t have a lot of irl friends who will watch kpop with me. So I go looking for reactions yes bc I want to find someone as excited about this song as I am. But I like that you say what’s on your mind. Got7 is my ult group and I know they’ve never wowed u, but that just means they never did. I enjoy the truth a lot more than some other ppl who feel like they’re faking enthusiasm for views. I don’t understand why some of those channels have more subs than you when they feel so fake. Again it’s not about the numbers, but it’s okay if that feels frustrating or upsetting. Your vibe is a lot more toned down than most everyone but PD I would say, and honestly after a long day of work I don’t have the energy to watch a really hype YouTuber. It’s nice. I would hope that you keep on doing like you have been, but also understand if you feel you need to change things up to increase viewers. Just know I’d have to shift all my (1) views to the weekends haha I joined patreon partially bc I wanted that good good survival show content (bc the no irl friends who will watch stuff with me) but also bc I was like, I wanna support this guy. I hope you won’t be so hard on yourself. If you stretch yourself thin trying to please every sub/patreon, you’re not gonna enjoy doing YouTube anymore. Some ppl just won’t be happy. Like for example polls, if 1 option out of 10 wins then the 9 other choices ppl are gonna grumble. It’s life. If you wanna change things up bc you want more subscribers: do it. Be shallow as u want, it’s your channel! I feel like a lot of reaction channels find themselves at whims of the fans which isn’t fair to y’all. I remember there was a time where folks were claiming that reaction videos stole views from music videos and all the reactors were apologizing in front of their videos and saying we should check out the regular MV for like a minute before they started their reactions. So change ur content if you wanna, but don’t make ur life harder!


Also u’ve introduced me to so many cool dramas. Totally wouldn’t have gotten to cry over Alice if u hadn’t posted ur reactions. Thanks!


I watch your videos because you dont give a fake reaction and actually say how you feel about the songs. Your one of my favorite youtubers I found you 2 years ago and loved the content. I'll keep supporting you, keep being you don't change for anyone.

Daniela Madrid

You are one of my few favorite reactors that is why I subscribed to you since you started on YouTube. I like the way you react. You give honest opinions and you don’t fake it and that’s why I respect you. They are others that react to kpop videos and dont look genuine and just give the fans what they want but you are different. I’ve liked your videos for a long time and I like how you do things which is another reason why I subscribed to be a patron, something that never came to my mind for other reactors. I love watching your videos because it shows your amazing style and personality. Don’t change to please certain people. Do what you want to do.


Thank you for being so open with how you're feeling. I enjoy your reactions because of how honest you are. It's your channel. You are allowed to react/give your opinion however you like. Not everyone is going to like a certain song/MV. Even myself. I follow a lot of groups/artists & there are some songs that I'm just not feeling. Not everyone has to agree. Don't worry about trying to please everyone. Thank you for being so honest.


I'll try not to be too repetitive but like most of the other people here I prefer someone who is honest. There are even other reactors I watch and like but I'm not as invested in simply because I already know what they'll say about every reaction. It's always "great!" so there is no real conversation there. Also your honesty makes it very obvious and gratifying when you're really vibing with something. I won't lie I've noticed and thought at various times too that I see other channels coming after yours gaining attention by following the pretty typical YouTube formulawhen I personally think you bring something different. No hate to them but if you ask me what it is, it's a combination of people being comfortable with a specific type of reaction video and also the YouTube algorithm is seems like unless you already have a ton of subscribers or unless you follow their rules on consistency it seems like certain YouTubers fall off my recommended page even if I watch all their videos or hit the bell. I don't know much about the back end so not sure what could be done there but getting the algorithm to like you seems to be this mystery of success on YouTube. I appreciate it it's a hard balance & I would never hold it against you or feel like you're not doing it for the right reasons cause you want to see your Channel grow . It's natural to want to see growth in anything you're spending this much time doing but like you said those numbers don't define your worth. I don't really know what useful advice I can give because when it comes to personality and entertainment you are my favorite YouTuber so whatever you're doing is working for me but I'm happy you have the spirit of persevering and not giving up but seeking different angles and ways to improve things. If you ever want to brainstorm changes that you're thinking of making we're always here to lend an ear.


I don't have much but you are one of the few I support on Patreon because I like all of your content. As you said you have a large spectrum and that's what I like about you. You're an all-rounder : not only focusing on "that one group" but also on different groups, solo artists, different shows, and type of shows. Even I am always learning new things through you. And giving your own opinion is obviously what makes you YOU. I personally prefer when smne has something to say, a different pov that I might not have. It's more fun this way. I think a reaction should be genuine, and if you were to like every single thing, somehow it would be tiring for you as for the viewers. And well... What would be the point of a reaction if you have nothing to say about it? Watching your reaction is wanting to know about what you thought about it. We all are human, and have different tastes on things. Don't stress yourself out too much, don't worry. You should never have to feel forced about liking something that you actually don't like. Your honest reaction, be it good or bad, is still your opinion and everyone who supports you should respect it. Personally I really enjoy watching your reactions. And you are often talking to us and letting us know what you are thinking and going through. I feel like I really know you and it feels great, as if you are trusting me to know about your emotions. It is not easy being hyped and happy all the time and you don't have to be. But have confidence, in my opinion I think you are expressing yourself just fine. Faking it and forcing yourself would be harder on you. I hope you're taking a breather if/when you need one. Your health is a priority. Be happy, do what you like to do! The people who likes you will keep on liking you. You are fine just the way you are. Believe in yourself and I wish you all the best! <3

Sham Sham

Aww. It sucks u have these thoughts. Anybody who has a problem with u speaking ur mind should call themself a supporter of you. Like sorry to break it to some fans but dude not everything an artist u like puts out will be good, not everything will be hyped up as much as u may want it. Like that’s something that always irritated me. People think just because ur a fan of someone u should automatically like everything they put out and that’s not the case so to see u loose supporters/views just because some stuff may not be ur cup of tea sucks. I respect ur honestly u have especially since I feel like u are one of the few creators I genuinely follow and am active with that actually is honest with their opinions. U don’t pretend to like something just because it’s by an artist u like or because it may be hyped up at the moment. Why do I enjoy ur reactions? Easy. Firstly Ur laugh is a mood. And again because of ur honesty and just ur personality. Ur jokes make the reactions so much fun. Just very chill and comfortable to hang with. Always a good time. I hope your inner race with yourself can get lower and u can relax soon. 👏🏾💕


I usually don’t comment because I’m just not good at writing and putting my thoughts into words. The reason why I watch reaction videos and such is because it makes me not feel lonely that there’s people that enjoy the things that I enjoy and you are definitely one of them that I keep watching because of your personality, thoughts and opinions. Don’t stop being you. I like you for your honest opinions and of course you’re not gonna love everything. You’re a human and we all have different likes and dislikes. + I always look forward to your videos whenever there’s a new comeback or MV out because I enjoy to hear your thoughts and feelings about it!


i think you hit the nail on the head. I think lack of growth for certain creators, like yourself, is not sticking to a handful of groups. On one hand, it allows new people to view you who do enjoy those groups, but of course not everyone loves every group so it alienates some subscribers. I see some people who keep with a few groups (like they pick their favorite groups and focus on them) and it often works. They still react to songs from other groups when they come out, but they tend to focus on some. I think that worked a lot for you with BTS, iKON and Treasure. Of course, if you didn't enjoy that, then don't do it, but if you did, maybe keep it up. I feel like you're the type who enjoys dipping his toes in everything, you like watching many things and seeing new stuff, but sadly it does upset those who want you to be continuous with one thing. Like the person above, i enjoy your reactions and like watching alongside you as if I'm watching with a friend, so i don't mind when you don't say much. I mainly enjoy your variety content, which sadly i didn't get much of this month, but i knew you were going through stuff and finding a house (same). So even if you don't say much, it doesn't bug me cause it's fun just seeing someone laugh along, especially when i know what's gonna happen (like when you watch a movie with someone and they never saw it, you're eagerly waiting for their reaction to something funny). I do miss your treasure map, ikon school trip and bon voyage reactions, but i patiently wait, knowing you'll do it one day. I feel like you just seem happier and enjoy those a lot, cause it's more wholesome fun and a break from 'analyzing' or judging music, which i truly enjoy and look forward to your reactions, even if we don't sometimes agree on things (ie. i love hanse's rapping LOL). Cause it's nice getting a different perspective. And it's also a small break from the darkness or intensity of kdramas lol.


For me personally I’ve dipped in and out of other you tubers patreons because I’ve eventually got bored of the reactions or what they’re doing with their channel. Then I came across your treasure content and thought lemme give this a try. I thought I’d try your patreon for a month watch as much of the content on there as possible then leave. Since then it’s been 3 months and I haven’t been able to leave lol. I think what makes your videos stand out and what I prefer about them is that you’re really just being yourself. You’re completely honest about what you think and that’s something I and I’m sure others appreciate. I’m glad you could open up to us like this about your thoughts and feelings and know that we’ll always be here to support. I may have dropped other patreons but I’ll be sticking with this one for a very long time. Keep up the good work Anthony we really appreciate the consistent content.


I appreciate that you share your thoughts and feelings with us. I watch your videos because of your personality and you're the only youtuber that I watch on Twitch. I love your streams, it feels like we're just hanging out vibing to new music, I don't have any friends that keep up with Korean music so it feels like I have an internet friend lol. I don't think there's a problem with you speaking your mind freely, I actually prefer that. Sometimes there are songs I don't like & majority of reactors give the same hyped up reactions, it makes me feel a little isolated. When I watch your videos and you don't like something, that I also wasn't feeling it makes me think "Well there is someone that doesn't like the song/MV, I'm not alone". Even if I like something & you don't that's okay, it's realistic. You're not going to like everything & that's normal. People that complain that you pause or talk to much, I feel like they don't watch your videos for you, they just want a hype man for their group. Aside from that, I think you express your feelings very well, at least from an outsiders perspective. I'm not very good with advice, I just hope that my post can get rid of some of the negativity your feeling. I appreciate you & everything you do Anthony.


I don't know what to say other than I enjoy your reactions! I really do... Whenever I listened to a song I either like it or dislike it. I watch reactors because other's opinions have a lot of influence on my own as well. Especially what you say makes an impact on how I view the MV or the song later on because you seem very real! KPOP isn't anything special, people can have opinions on music just like in any genre and I respect you for that. All your feelings are valid, and thank you for being so honest with your fans!

Estherlynn Lubin

I literally cried reading this. First I would like to say I very much love your personality. You’re my favorite reactor and probably the only one I interact with outside of YouTube. Your honesty and authenticity is what made me subscribe to your YouTube channel and eventually downloaded Patreon. You’re entitled to like and dislike something. It’s sad when others feel offended just cuz I don’t like certain things. Anthony I don’t think you should ever question your personality. I like that you’re not yelling, and acting too much when you’re reacting to something. You’re just being yourself and it’s like you’re having a conversation with us while WE watch something, regardless if it’s a new song or a drama, it has always felt like that. Second, I don’t understand why anyone would want someone to be generic. I am a VIP but I would never force someone to like Bigbang nor change my view of them just because they have different taste. When I found you, you were reacting to Treasure so I felt connected to you in that way. Then I saw that you covered other groups, which was a plus because although I’m a VIP, I’m still a fan of music first. The vibe you brought was a great way for me to even learn about other groups. Unfortunately, there’s always gonna be that one person (or many) who leave because their favs didn’t get enough coverage in your channel or you didn’t react how they expected you to react. I feel like people failed to realized just how much work one have to put in to make videos. You gotta keep being yourself. I know this is easier said than done especially when there’s money involved, but it’s really all you can do. Everyone grow at a different pace. Maybe your journey is just little rougher than others but I believe you’ll be able to achieve everything you set your sight on. Better days are ahead. Feeling like this is normal and I think you’re doing just fine expressing yourself to us. Last, have you ever thought of seeing a therapist (I believe EVERYONE should see one at some point in their lives especially in their 20s). P.S: I personally don’t love Rosé’s solo ‘on the ground’🤷🏾‍♀️ but that’s my business. I watch the video and then concluded that I was expecting something greater and was disappointed. I kept it moving. I didn’t go argue with everyone who loved it nor did I discredit the hard work she put into it. I just think she could do better. So please continue to be your wonderful honest and authentic self.💙

Suzanne Austen

I think that you should have the freedom to react however you want to whoever you want. The people that leave just because you didn't like 1 song of theirs faves are just immature fans who don't understand that its ok to not like 1 song out of 50 that a group has put out, you don't have to like every song. I've been a Patreon for 2 years now maybe, almost as soon as you started one and I never once thought about stopping just because you didn't like something or didn't react the same way I did because people obviously will have different tastes and you put out a variety of content which a lot of kpop youtubers don't (not trying to discredit anyone) because you react to variety shows, kdramas, and others things that we all, as kpop fans, watch as well. Its easy to tell when someone is faking their reaction and I would rather someone be honest about their thoughts rather than have someone who is so painfully obvious about being fake trying to lay it on in order to not upset anyone because it just doesn't feel real. I watch all your videos because you feel real and I like to hear your opinion (especially on songs that I don't think are that great either)


I agree with the comments that suggested counseling or therapy. I just think it would benefit you to walk through these thoughts with someone and get out of your head a little bit. I don't the solution is here in these comments, even though we'll give you all the love and support we can. I would like to think if you were doing well, you'd still be introspective. It's just as important to look at how and why things succeed, as it is if they don't go well. I would like to think these aren't just made up metrics you're benchmarking yourself against because that's a recipe for disaster. Praying for you, and really hope you consider talking to someone. I think it would be good for you. ❤🤗


(Long comment ahead; apologies in advance, just sharing my thoughts too) Firstly, I commend you for opening up more than once to us about your thoughts and struggles even if it's just to let it all out to someone that will hear it (read it). I'm reading and listening to you! :) I want to answer some of your questions tho. “Why do you guys enjoy my reactions?” Well personally, I want to see if the reactor will have the same opinions about the video that they’re checking out as well or not (depending on the video & what I cared about in particular). So ofc that means I watch what I want or am curious about. But sometimes it can be reactions to videos/artists that I don’t necessarily follow or have positive experience myself. It really is just curiosity or the want to experience things with someone else. Another thing is that I find that I like reactors that genuinely care about what they are checking out. Reactors that aren’t hooked on getting a certain amount of like or views in order to check out more of that particular thing as if what they’re reacting to really mattered to them. Or they’re not noticing things going on in the video (good or bad) and calling everything “dope” while pausing at moments that don’t quite pertain to that. Not saying you can’t find something dope, but it’s all they’ve got to offer in more than one video. To me, Anthony, you as a reactor actually pay attention, finds interest in Kpop artists and music, and shares valid opinions from your own background (whether I find a similarity in background with you or not; I’m also American so I want to see fellow Americans explore the good and bad of Korean media). It’s ok that not ever video carries that same amount of engagement or thoughts to share. But at least you do in most. If you enjoy finding deeper meanings in everything even if it doesn’t quite matter to the art, then go do it. Someone may actually enjoy such insight. Maybe you yourself needed to experience something in a deeper matter. Who cares if others don’t do what you do when experiencing things. I think you foster a great community of different opinions, likes, and dislikes which help encourage the need to just respect each other. It’s great already that people like you are open-minded and willing to check out things in the first place! It gets too obvious if everything is amazing to you cuz that isn’t the case for me or anybody anyways. “I don't have much of a interesting personality, and I'm not good at expressing myself.” Now, I aint no expert and probably don’t have the rights to determine this lol but I will anyway, you’re wrong! I mean you first of all, you have other interests and hobbies (whether it’s fashion, art, travel experience, anime, etc) and you have opinions cuz who doesn’t! You are down to earth and you are open-minded. You also have your own sense of humor. Most importantly you are growing (even if you don’t realize it, it’s true!) Your attentiveness, your willingness to be transparent at the times you find important, you sharing what you love with us and accepting ours back, your sociability and choice in communicating with us a lot, are all true to you. Believe it or not these things are things that I’ve noticed and can say confidently about you just from merely watching your channel. Does this not mean you have expressed yourself well despite the fact I only know you through your average length of 5-15 minute reactions? Not everyone wants a theatrical performance but a reactor that can fill our place for a friend when watching fun things, someone who we can relate to. What does expressiveness even mean anyways? Expressiveness thru words or communication comes in all ways not just one. I am someone who struggles with expressing myself and judge myself so hard especially since I’m an adult having to work in a communicative environment, it affects me also. However, I never thought anything less of you within your videos. There is still power in such immediate emotions, moods, or simple expressions such as dislike or like. Sometimes not saying anything at all or not saying it how we would like is a lot more common internal struggle than you’d think! That is enough sometimes. And what is great with you is that you often tell us in videos or in comments that you gave it more of a chance or that your views/opinions have changed. Last thing I want to say since I kinda rambled on and aint really editing this (sorry), other reactors I watch also take time off for multiple reasons, have lost their upload pattern many times, take forever or never complete video series, etc etc (like on Patreon too). However, they don’t express about this enough like you do in regards to how they view themselves as content creators or reactors. If only they told us, they most likely also struggle with how they feel about about themselves and how they present themselves. Often times we think that we’re the only ones going about our life/job/etc. a certain way and don’t understand why others don’t have the same concerns or share their negative parts of their journey that we can relate to. But honestly, they’re just really good at hiding it and aren’t meant for us to be compared to. It also goes without saying, you can’t please everybody. That’s why it’s important to please yourself and yourself only and if people have good things to say or respectful criticism that you want for yourself than those should be the most important to you in the process of growing as a content creator. Hope you can get out of this but it’s okay to fall back into things negatively just try not to stay down too long or hard on yourself when you we as humans need to experience every emotions/feelings.


I'm personally not really great at comforting or giving words of encouragement but what I can tell you is to just keep your head up and do you. The thought of losing viewership or subscribers is no doubt a scary thought but you shouldn't forget there's certainly more people out here who respect you and the work you put out. Its perfectly fine and definitely ok for you to be feeling defeated sometimes its just a process of growth. No need to think about switching yourself up to cater to those who don't respect you or negatively impact you. It's all about keeping that positive mindset and continuing to move forward by expressing it towards the people that do respect and care for you. Falling down aint defeat, refusing to get up is. Bro the harder you fall the higher you bounce. Keep on chasing after that dream or goal of yours and it'll 💯pay off in the end. As the other 30+ ppl before me have said, your chill ass personality and honesty is what's positively hitting these folks and across youtube etc. It's definitely ok to be feeling how you're feeling rn and expressing yourself more often isn't gonna hurt a soul. The only time you might lose a patron in me is when i feel like imma go broke watching your content 😁


I’m sorry that you’ve been feeling down about things and I can only imagine the numbers game on YT is a really stressful thing to manage as a content creator. I think your content is far superior to the people out there that just put these really clickbait-y titles and just say everything is great. I personally am a subscriber because I think you have a great personality! - you are thoughtful in your comments and analysis and you try many different things. I credit you with getting me more interested in fashion and I’ve watched shows/listened to artists I have only come across through your content, so I’m so grateful for that, especially in this last year I truly feel like finding new music and delving into K-dramas has truly kept me going. I will say that I am behind on keeping up with everything, but I know there’s always a wealth of stuff to check out through your posts when I get a chance to come back to it. I also think that as a viewer (if one is able) its important to support the content creators you watch, so I always feel good about supporting here on Patreon even if I don’t keep up with everything. I support what you feel like you need to do to feel good about your content. Take care of yourself!


I cant talk for anyone else but at least for me, I watch your reactions to see your honest feelings about the song. No doubt, there will always be hundreds of reactions hyping up recent releases. You not liking some songs is realistic and authentic, that’s what makes when you LOVE songs so much fun because I know it’s genuine. If it’s better for your mental health to only post the reactions that turn out positive, then you should do that. Just know, there’s people that enjoy hearing your opinion whether it’s positive or negative. Your supporters will be here no matter what you decide. Sending love


Honestly I watch your videos because I like you! Idk why exactly either i just genuinely like you! Also i like your honesty and how you care about the lyrics and the meaning of the songs! I like how you don’t say anything when there is nothing to say😂 that’s un usual to find in reaction videos... As i said i like you and I watch your videos bc 50% of you 50% the artist! And when you like the songs that i like I feel happy & Kinda connected to you lol. and when you don’t thats cool too I still hit the like button for your effort💙and about the reason u r not growing i feel like is bc you don’t upload as much as other channels or like not constantly? but also these days you r back at your game so keep going! Honestly I understand when you take breaks and don’t upload much life is hard and exhausting and health come first always🤍also u should promote Patreon more like when u upload a video on here try uploading a pic of it on YouTube so people know what kind of content you create. I hope you the best! u CAN do it brother❤️


I'm one of the people that subscribed to your youtube way back in the bts days. I think I watched your videos for like four months before finally subscribing. And then I unsubscribed like two or three months later because I didn't think I was watching enough of your videos to warrant being a subscriber. Nothing to do with what your content was or how you did your videos or what you were saying. I'm just picky with which groups I watch reactions on and the ones I liked you weren't doing that much of. And then a few months later I resubscribed again. I realized I missed you, and I still don't watch that many of your videos. But I've always liked that your honest about how you feel about the song, and if you don't like it you don't bash it. So many people are one extreme or the other. You are the only person I subscribe to on patreon. I had to sort of come to terms with spending money to watch someone else watch videos. But I am the only person I know who listens to kpop and watches kdramas. Admittedly I don't know many people, Extreme introvert. So for me it was worth it just to watch a show with someone, get someone else's opinion. I enjoy watching you get attached to characters on a tv show and get genuinely upset if something happens to them or they die (weird I know). I like that you care. I like that you have a hard time expressing yourself but you still try. I subscribe to you because I care about you. I'll sometimes go for a couple months without watching anything on your patreon, but I stick around because I want to support you. And when something pops up I am interested in it's great. Not because it's something ground breakingly spectacular but because it's you. I think I've spent like 30 minutes writing this because i'm analyzing it to death. So I get that part too. We're introverts. Anything that's released to the public we want to be perfect because it's really really hard to put it out there. I have a hard time just posting occasional comments, I can't imagine actually being in front of the camera. So my advice, just keep being you. People will come and they'll go, and sometimes they'll come back. Those of us that stay stay because we like who you are as a person. The contents just a bonus.


first and foremost what you need to know is what you are feeling is ok and im sure that every content creator has gone through this or is feeling this, not only creators but I'm sure anyone who is making something out there for people have felt the same way even if they haven't voiced it and its ok, i still feel this. I'm sure the other commentators here can say it more eloquently then me, but the reason i enjoy your work or content is how down to earth you are, i enjoy your personality, i enjoy your reactions because you are you man. if you like something cool, if you dont voice it cool with me, you could be fake and appeal to everyone but that's not a way to live. i could go on but im not great at this lol, but yeah just remember this line that you wrote "I still also have a part of me that wants to try, and try harder. Do more. Because I don't like giving things up and I've always wanted to do things like this as a job one day, and even if it doesn't branches into other things as well, I don't want to let this go. It still motivates me to try." continue with that in mind and with time more people will enjoy you for you and even though the negative nacys will still be there maybe it will like less over time


People are never going to be satisfied. But Please stay true to your opinions and be honest! I think that when you stay true to your opinion you are able to have fun/enjoy the content you make. Don’t take crap from others! I think it’s awesome that you take requests but sometimes just do what you want and say what you want. I truly believe that when one is able to be true to themselves their content shines and that is what you do. I think that it’s normal for people to subscribe to others who have the same interests. Sometimes you don’t like songs I do but that doesn’t stop me from watching. It’s just an opinion and I think it’s great that you have different opinions from me. If people can’t hear criticism then that sucks, because this world is filled with different people who have different opinions. And sometimes we learn new things from those opinions. However, I understand that it can be stressful and that there are so many people who you want to support. It’s easier said than done but just remember that putting all that pressure on yourself is tough and can be harmful. Finding the balance is hard and takes time. What you are feeling is normal. Nobody is perfect, I still struggle with many things but I just realized not long ago that I have to take one thing at a time and commit to it so my negative cycles stop. And I still have so much to learn 😅. I hope that you find out what it is you love to do and can support those you love but sometimes sacrifices must be made. I am not going through what you are but overall I hope that the cycle you are going through stops or is lessened. Stay true to yourself! Fighting! 🤗


I myself haven’t been keeping up with your reaction videos because of school work. My point is that having less views doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing something wrong. It could be that people are busy or they’re not interested in the song/artist you reacted to. I noticed that you beat yourself a lot when it comes to how you express yourself but I genuinely don’t see that you’re lacking in that? I am able to understand your pov just fine because you say things straight to the point and I like that? and it’s ok if you want to learn how to become more expressive and articulate your emotions into words because I want to do the same. I also want to remind you that the beauty of reaction videos is that it’s just your initial impression of a song/artist, so it’s a given that you won’t be able to have a full on in-depth analysis about it. I really hope you come to a point in life where you can support yourself as well as the people around you and for you to be satisfied with the content you create. Love yourself for who you are because I really do believe that you’re a caring, kindhearted and hardworking person and you deserve everything good in this life💞

Irene K

You have to make piece with the fact that once you put your self out there there is always going to be somenone that doesn't like you. Im saying this for your sake and well being. Everyone has haters or people who critisize them. I love this channel because of your authenticity. When watching your videos it feels like Im watching my friends. Honesty and constructive critisism is a good thing that most youtubers lack. You're perfect they way you are don't let anyone mess with your head and feelings.


I genuinely enjoy watching your reaction videos and love how you say how you really feel about the videos you watch. It's impossible for a person to like and enjoy everything so it's refreshing when you're honest about how you feel. I watch your videos because they are authentic !


The reason I do really like your reactions and keep coming back to you is because you are honest. I stopped watching some reactors because i felt like nobody can like everything and some people felt disingenuous because of that. But thats not you so i really appreciate you being 100 all the time. You react to alot of k-pop and alot of k-hiphop and i enjoy the fact that you do both. I really really appreciate you and the fact that you get me to discover some new stuff through.


Hi Anthony! I've been a patron for a little over a year but i've never really participated much on here (i don't mind supporting you quietly!) Honestly, the reason I first subscribed on yt was because of your honesty. Stray Kids are my ults but I've never felt put off or insulted that you didn't like everything they've put out. Like a lot of other people have commented, i'm not a fan of some youtubers that just seem to like everything, idk it seems a bit fake to me in a way, so I found that your reactions were very refreshing. I think I started becoming a patron to watch your yg treasure box reactions as i was quickly getting into them. I also think it's important to support content creators you like and I do have extra money I can put towards that so I'm still happy doing it! Admittedly, I only follow like 3 kpop groups and don't really care that much for others so I don't keep up with most of your content. But like I said, I find your perspective really refreshing so I really don't mind. I've always felt from you that you genuinely care about the feedback you get/what people want so I've always appreciated that. I kind of relate to your feelings of uncertainty and doubt (of course not in the same way but i'm graduating in a few months so it's a bit stressful). I'm horrible at comforting people and giving advice but I hope that whatever you're going through right now will get better for you. I'm not great at expressing myself and my thoughts might have been all over the place in this comment, but i hope that it's clear that you have all my support!


I like your reactions because even though I don't always agree, I'm interested in what your thoughts are. You seem to have a lot of different interests so you talk about fashion, music, shows, etc in your reactions and you also just seem like a genuine guy from what I can see. I haven't always been a regular patron because I do be broke sometimes but the months that I am a patron, I really look forward to what you put out. I don't always watch everything you put out because I don't follow too many groups but I do like discovering new music and you've put me onto some good stuff. I hope you know people like you for YOU and I know it's hard not to overthink how you come across to others since that is part of being on youtube, but I think pursuing what you want will help you understand more why people like you and your content. I hope you pull through and get closer to figuring out what how to get that feeling of accomplishment back (I am also in the same exact boat so I feel you TT)


In all honesty I just like you because you are you throughout all reactions I’ve watched from here/YT. It’s already hard enough being able to find unfiltered reactions/opinions online so I stick with you because you are real. I support you because you stand out from other reactors/content creators. I don’t know if i’m wrong but i’ve hardly seen a guy with such honesty and genuine interest in K-pop, fashion and music overall. I think you’re doing just fine and if you need a break then go for it. Make sure to enjoy what you’re doing above all things. The decrease in subs based on your thoughts on new music, shows who is really riding with you. I would prefer to have a smaller amount of subs that is solid and vocal than a large silent amount of subs. Like you said most of these viewers are just here for the hype and love to voice their opinion when their favs are not being worshipped which I think is complete trash and wrong on their behalf as “fans”. Numbers don’t EVER portray your worth. I will also try to keep up with sharing my thoughts as well and letting you know my first reactions as well so we can build a conversation and enjoy the experience better. That’s my fault on my behalf as well and I do apologise. Believe in your grind and don’t beat yourself dude!! I’ll keep on supporting you. Love you lots :)


I just have two membership on Patreon and one of them is you. I feel like you have an enjoyable and sincere grind in your reaction ! I love watching a k drama with your reaction, it bring me a time when I can relax from school and I enjoy having your opinions on them ! It's the same for when you react to songs or albums, I really love how your are genuine and im glad that I can have your opinion on something that I love like bts's albums or when there's a comeback ! For real you really have an enjoyable way to react and it feels like when I show something that I enjoy to my friend and wait for theirs reactions. I really hope that you will be able to find the answers to your questions and that you will find a way to understand that we really enjoy your videos even if you don't like what you are reacting to that's the game tbh you react and you say if you like it or not. All love !


I just want to say you're the only one I ever pay to watch MORE on patreon. All the things I want to say are said by others :) I just want to let you know I love listening and watching songs and movies with you. I honestly ENJOY seeing you excited, confused, critique, praise, etc. I genuinely enjoy your presence even tho it through the screen XD Love you and keep doing you <3


I only use patreon for your reactions and would never otherwise use this website to be honest. I don't want to tell you that you're overthinking things because everything you feel is definitely valid but I watch your videos because we usually have similar opinions and if not, your opinion is still interesting in and of itself. If I get the feeling that a reactor is doing things in a way just to appease the audience and not actually critique and voice out their personal opinions, I lose interest quick.