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Hey, I just wanted to share this with you guys as I know I don't read much that comes into my personal email. It seems as if this year Patreon is aiming to fix the whole, charged every 1st even if you joined the day before so hopefully this gets started soon cause I know that's such a dang inconvenience. 

Patreon post update: https://blog.patreon.com/2020-year-in-review-and-a-peek-into-2021

"Simplifying billing

Continuing the theme of keeping patrons happy, in 2021 we’re also tackling one of the biggest areas of confusion for patrons; understanding why and when they’re charged.

Right now, patrons of charge up front creators are billed immediately when they first sign up, and thereafter on the 1st of each month, leaving some patrons feeling like they’ve been wrongly double charged. As a result, we see fewer patrons signing up toward the end of the month, and increased cancellations at the beginning of the month. [Update] Since writing this blog, we made an updated post here with better context regarding our approach to billing.

This year we’re moving towards anniversary billing, where patrons’ renewal date each month will be the same date they joined. This will help increase conversion and retention and reduce pressure around the 1st of the month, giving you the freedom and flexibility to promote your membership on your schedule.

We’re working on introducing this model carefully through in-depth research and a pilot test with a handful of selected creators. We recognize that this may mean change for some of you — we don’t take that lightly and we’re dedicated to taking your feedback on board. We’ll be sharing regular updates with you all as we make progress to ensure you have plenty of notice and time to prepare ahead of any changes."


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