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Hey everyone,

As you already may know, I really think it's important for me to be transparent with you guys. I didn't want to make a post about this for the first few days but I still couldn't shake the thought of doing it so here I am! 

This post is essentially an update post with three main points, which are in the title. It primarily serves as a reminder for me to remember what I'm aiming for and to just let you guys know where I'm at. 

Life Update: A few months back in a stream I mentioned that I was planning to move by June/August. I also made a post here a few times back when I was in Chicago viewing apartments and stuff. It was far too expensive so I believe we've settled on going to Houston, TX for cheaper rent (same sq footage) and it's an area I'm pretty familiar with. I'd be moving with a friend (both out of our home state) so it'll be a really big change that I'm pretty nervous for. I've always pretty much supported myself this whole while but I did have some people help along the way, like my friend's family that I stay with now, that acted like support beams for me while I continued to build things for myself. This move will push me away from that and I pretty much need to make sure that I'm able to fully stand on my own without any additional problems. Due to some past family circumstances I've been attempting to fix credit and tackle some debt so in addition to that I have to deal with high rates on my car and my age makes my full coverage very expensive. So financially I'm often pretty tight. I couldn't have any assistance with these things because it's out of my families capabilities. I'm trying to move from here for personal reasons, I'll say... I'm just sharing to let you guys be aware of where my mind is at as I'm stressed, anxious and nervous about the change while also being a bit concerned about other things. Will keep pushing on and do my best. 

Reflections, changes and improvement: I was getting so much flak behind the scenes when it came to switching up tiers a few months back when it came to what content was posted on which tier. I was told that people were posting more for less but I literally just went through like 10 or so different kpop channel’s patreons and only 3 had kdrama’s at $5 or less and everyone else had all dramas and variety shows at $10. My initial plan back in October was to do exactly that so that I can hopefully not struggle as much as I had been for the past two years but consistency was in the way, which I've acknowledged previously. It's not all about the money for me as I want you guys to be happy and not put you in a situation where it's hard to afford, so dramas remained where they are. Though it's not all about the money since I'm preparing to go out on my own it's time for me to start thinking more about it. Anyways, any videos that aren't categorized properly will be updated to reflect the tier's content we've agreed upon by the end of the first week of February. I will also try to share a couple of free episodes of certain things close to completion to the public on YouTube every now and then with polls that they can vote on there. 

This is mainly for me but, I'm no longer looking for acknowledgment of improvement from others, it needs to come from myself to feel like it's actually accomplished.  I feel like now I'm able to say that I'm doing much better with posting things than I was back in October and I feel good about it. I'm having fun and enjoying things and even finding interest when it's something completely new to me and with things I'm on the fence about it. It's better this way for both me and anyone else who's watching the videos. I do still care about you guys' being happy with the videos here and stuff so I will still check in with you guys and ask if there's anything you guys are wanting.

With all this being said, at the core there's actually nothing changing. I've spoken to you guys in a livestream back on November 16th talking about schedules and content and even further on YouTube/Twitch streams about where the content should be placed. Kdramas will remain on Small Tier and Variety Contents will be on Medium Tier (variety as in, various types of korean entertainment content from general idol shows to variety shows.). After looking at other patreons' I think it's best to just categorize them for the purpose our schedule and not for tiers as it seems to be purely perspective based on what show is what type (variety vs reality).

I am planning on posting more than what I currently am. At this rate, I'm looking to include more girl group content as well as shorter content to rotate so that the Patreon can be filled with a variety of things! Still will be following the schedule that you guys all voted for, I just will be sprinkling some other things in. 

Schedule will remain Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

Additional videos will include more things that you guys suggest on the following posts and request on the community tab! 1 2 3 

I hope that you guys enjoy the additional content that's in the works as it will begin this coming week and I appreciate you guys for being here. If you plan on being here for the whole year, consider switching to the annual membership to save 16% (the equivalent of two months of access) and the funds will go directly to savings for my move and the camera upgrade we're working on on Twitch. 

Thank you for your time if you read this. All the best,




if any of the twitch fam comes in here and mentions my pokemon card streams imma scream! my cards pay off some of my bills and buy's me take out lol. 😂 seriously though this may seem like rambling but i felt the need to speak so i just started typing, thank ya forreal if you read it đŸ–€ im going to sleep now


I don't mind switching tiers to watch your exclusive variety show reactions and also support you at the same time. Also take your time and don't be overwhelmed and feel pressured, we all have our own pace and you are doing good!


Thanks for the update! I honestly was wondering how you’re doing after seeing how much you post over here. I’m happy to read your rambles since it gives me some sort of idea of what’s going on for you. I don’t mind switching tiers as well to watch variety shows content but I’ll have to say that I’m pretty okay with the small tier. I have my fair share of things going on as well and I don’t want to be paying for additional stuff that I am not watching. Keep it up and take care of yourself! :)

Lucy Gibson

We appreciate your transparency and I want you to know many of us acknowledge and are thankful for the content you post. I am very picky with where I spend my money and I have never regretted becoming a member as I feel you consistently post content (I agree you offer the same if not far more content than alot of other YouTuber’s patreons) I enjoy watching your content and am often introduced to things I otherwise wouldn’t have watched but enjoyed watching along with you. I know the anxiety in regards to moving is very stressful , I moved countries this year for uni so Ik how scary it can be just take your time and at go at your pace and you’ll kill it and remember your health and happiness comes first always :)


Hope everything goes well for you moving to your new place!


Thanks for all the content you provide to us despite having a though time! I hope everything goes smoothly and heyy welcome to Texas!!


Thank you for everything you do and I hope this new change in your life will open greater opportunities for you.

Juda Culp

💖 the transparency is refreshing, thanks Anthony! Never regretted supporting you on here, least I can do for the good content you create!


I wish you all the best for the move!! Also, I'm sorry if there are subscribers that tell you you aren't doing enough, you are. I guess some people just don't realise you have a life outside of patreon/youtube/livestreams ect... Please take time if you need it and I hope we aren't putting to much pressure on you... :(


Thanks for all the updates I know that changing living situations would be stressful but I hope overall that your move puts you in a good space. I was going to send you a DM on this anyways but I've really noticed lately how the patreon community is growing. I know those numbers can tend to fluctuate but I hope you recognize that it's just a reflection of the hard work, consistency and people are enjoying the content and community here. I'm glad you feel comfortable to share what's going on and hope you'll continue to do so if you ever need a break.


beautifully said, very happy to read what you said regarding yourself. thank you for always thinking about us, i hope you always put yourself first through everything though. wish you the best of luck with growth and success moving forward đŸ–€


I’m gonna have to switch tiers to watch some things but that’s okay! As long as it can help you out even just a little bit, it’s fine by me😁


Moving is so much stress! Me and my friend are trying to look for a place rn and it’s wild. I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for your move! Thank you sm for the update! I am so glad that you’re enjoying posting more. Everyone if you join at the highest tier, it doesn’t matter what tier certain reactions are! ;) /j


do what's best for you!


Houston is full already đŸ˜© (jk good luck on the move 😌)


I hope everything goes well for you. I wish you all the best! It's important that you do what is right for you and try to make it easier on yourself. Don't push yourself too hard. You're a hardworking guy and I don't wish anything bad on you. Sorry to hear about your family issues and money issues. I know all about that. :( Please take care of yourself. I also hope your move goes smoothly. ♡ Thank you again for being so cool and doing so much for us. I can't wait to see what else you put out. I'll try my best to support you for as long as I can.


Aye you’re coming to houston. Hope everything goes well on the move!


Thank you for sharing,I’m excited for what’s to come and glad that I can help even in a small way!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and concerns! It's understandable how hard & scary supporting oneself is and also moving to a whole new environment! I hope you can gain more patrons and supporters as well as wishing you a smooth adjustment when things change! Us patrons really enjoy the content you've been giving us & we love to see you do things you want to do as well and that you're satisfied!


Sounds like you are doing great! Went ahead and bumped up my tier just to help support your move! I remember moving across the country with no family support. Make the content you want, make yourself happy, and that's all I can ask for!