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Mary Joy Cawaling

Oh no, now I don't know which to watch first 🤣 I was watching sweet home and this dropped hahah


Nice, I watched this when it dropped and thought it was a cool little insight. Now I got to catch up on sweet home I'm like three episodes behind.


yeah i figured it could be! gonna check some of the videos you sent me out this week, i'll schedule em out and such :) - just posted two new ones too :D


Ayy I love videos like these

Estherlynn Lubin

So I just got home from work, it’s 3:22 am currently and there’s multiple vids.... oh well I can afford to stay up until 8 am so marathon it is!


idk if its just me but I can't see any linked file for this one. I've refreshed a few times and tried a different browser.