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Crash Landing on You - Episode 4 - Reaction.mp4

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the american dollar is obviously worth alot in third world countries so of course you can use it as a form of payment in flea market type places, although i wouldn't advise that bc it can be a hassle for the locals to get it exchanged and it can also make you an easy target to get robbed also for the after credit scene idk if you were being sarcastic but he was being very considerate making her to take that picture away from the bridge so she wouldn't jump


LOL So funny that you mentioned the 'Goodbye' over the phone, I was just telling a friend about Korean phone conversations. In fact, he didn't say that...that's just the translation. He just said 'Yes, then-' like...implying he was going to hang up. In Korean, there is no way to actually say goodbye over the phone since their formal way to say goodbye means to actually, physically depart from someone. It's just not in their language since it's so old. This often leads to hilarious confusion with people hanging up on each other in the middle of conversations without realizing lol


idk if u noticed but the male lead’s fiancée mom & uncle were both in the film parasite


i'm watching this for the first time along with you and it's hard because i just wanna binge it, but i know i'll enjoy it more if i space it out LOL. also!! happy new year!!


oh also ri jeong hyeok i believe isn’t super high in rank (i mean he’s higher than like the 4 other dudes but compared to that sketchy guy he’s low... I THINK) BUT he also hasn’t really told anyone who his dad is + all the ladies love to please the head because of who her husband is. just like the se ri was trying to be close to her for ri jeong hyeok they do the same for their husbands as well


now that you point it out i see lol - the uncle in particular looks much different here aha


The funny and cute af fact it's that they are a couple in real life !!!

Sharkie Miles

Watching dramas with you I learn so much about you. Never had a clam, the comment about her drinking coffee 😆 I can drink coffee right out the pot. So when you make certain comments about things I’m always like “what, woah, really” 😅😅😅

Estherlynn Lubin

He was actually trying to walk her away from the bridge so she wouldn’t jump.


In Asia.. Most girls are pushed to get married and have family when they are mid 20's... A woman is bombarded with questions about marriage and having a baby by relatives at all possible times when she doesn't pop a baby by 30. It's a lot of pressure especially for single ladies.


I highly recommend watching “Save Me” and “Sky Castle”, I think you would really enjoy them. “Save Me” is about a korean family who get stuck in a cult, this kdrama gave me the chills and creeped me out. “Sky Castle” is about the pressure parents put on their kids to be successful in school. These are just really basic info on what about these kdramas are about but I highly recommend them! Love all your reactions❤️❤️


I waited to rewatch this until more eps were out hahah so I know this is hella late LOL but I believe in North Korea, the beauty standards are different than South Korea in that being thicker is more attractive..I think it might have to do with how poor of a country North Korea is, so being thicker means being wealthier?