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Live from the Dunkin' donuts parking lot lol. YeAaahhh this is how i'll pass my time for the next handful of hours

Enjoy 🖤


Alice in Borderland - Episode 1 - Reaction.mp4

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omg i was contemplating watching this show earlier today might as wellI just watch it w u loll I've heard rllly good things about this show since it's the adaptation, can't wait:))

hayun lee

oh i was just about to watch episode 1 to procrastinate on studying LMFAO

Estherlynn Lubin

Wth? I’m watching this right now as I type this! I’m on ep 5 😂😂


started bingeing this last night, and finished this afternoon. Time to watch it again! I never would've gone into the building if i'd been the first one there, but I probably would've followed someone else in... and died shortly after.

goonghana .

I am about to watch this myself. I might start bingeing this show. I was looking forward to this drama since the trailer came out, but busy with work and other dramas. I am glad you are enjoying this show.

Sham Sham

First time even hearing about this show and mannn I’m hooked, legit went and added it to my list on Netflix. and the trailer just mad me want to watch more lol but I’ll wait to watch it with ur reaction. But seriously how tf a whole city just disappear like that lol. but man my scary self would have lost my shit when that game said dead or alive. And Honestly I would have just followed. I mean shit u can’t leave might as well just follow what the game says, but I for sure 100% would have been the girl that died with out a doubt especially if I didn’t have a friend like ar. I’m to dumb for that😆u stay putting me on Ant😂 so interested so far 👏🏾👏🏾 have a nice night


Damn! This is so exciting! I've seen the title around but didn't check it out since I rarely watch Japanese stuff but man, I was missing out! So so fun!


yeah i’m glad that i said f it and went to download it cause otherwise i’d just be on youtube and napping - we on day 2 no internet - the days feels so slow. this show first ep had me locked in. good thing to do to pass time, i’m on ep 5 rn but imma post m/w/f so it’ll be done next week to keep it fast lol. you have a nice night too, next episode is even more cut.


holy shiiiiiiii dude I'm so glad you put me onto this! I would've just tried to eenie meenie miney moe my way through that death maze and end up being lasered/crispy burnt toast


omg yess!! i didn't know u'd put it out here but i'm glad u did. i actually just finished watching this yesterday but I'm down for a rewatch lol


Ooh this concept seems very interesting. Might binge the rest


it’s worth it! i binged up to 5, i gotta get some sleep but tomorrow imma finish it off. i got the second ep scheduled for tomorrow. i just need to upload and schedule the rest


Oh wow I wasn’t expecting you actually reacting to it when I recommended it to you :D!!! I binged watched it over Th weekend, but will happily watch it again with you! Hope you enjoy it!


I was going to watch this earlier but I didn't, hooked on the first episode, it's interesting af, glad to be watching it alongside you.

Mai San

Yaaay I’m so glad you did this one ! I was kinda disappointed to see Crash landing on you won the poll..but at least I can watch this one.


This looks like a good show I'm bout to binge watch it after my finals this week. Thanx who ever recommended this.


yasss glad you're watching this! just finished this weekend ;p


idk what i would do if this happened. would i enter the games..if i did i dont think i would make it, but if i didnt, then obviously i would have no visa to survive and the laser would just end me right there. also made me question if there was a way to hide from the lasers...is it possible


Lol..just finished all 8 episodes and you're right....I'm not getting out alive if I try to hide😂😂

Sharkie Miles

I be dead right away. Lol 😆

strange& sleepless

stuff like this is usually not my cup of tea but this is entertaining so far so i’ll keep watching with you.

strange& sleepless

also, is Arisu the Japanese version of alice? is that why it’s called that?


it is so good i can’t stop watching it! also any other chishiya simps or just me 😅

alla algoul

I was gonna start it today but I was like why don't I just watch it with you and here I am. I have a great feeling about it so far.


Well, I'm here late but I am intriguement. I literally have so many questions including was there a time skip between when everyone disappeared and when they got their first game? Cuz otherwise how are their people who already know the rules walking around? And yeah why did the majority of people disappear but some are still around to play like what was the criteria and what happened to everyone else? I'm just throwing these out there on episode 1 cuz I'm assuming this will get answered.


Also I would have followed the instructions but I would have died with a swiftness my brain just doesn't work like that.