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Extracurricular - Episode 10 - Reaction .mp4

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Sham Sham

Dang it took you to react for me to finally watch the last episode, smh. Jesus crist I was locked in all the way😆 and man am I going to hell. I went from being so sad for him cause he didn’t mean to send her down the stairs. To I lowkey laughing when he took her phone. But Like boy she bleeding out in front of u and u just want the phone. I mean I get it but damn could of took the phone and at least called help . But this was a good ending. And I always knew kites was a crazy ass. I wasn’t that suprised when he stabbed the shit out of jisoo. And it seemed like minhee survives. if she does and a season 2 happens man people’s getting locked up fr fr ...(jisoo)


So they left it up to interpretation, perhaps due to the taboo nature of child sex trafficking, but what I got was this: Jisoo was pimping out these girls but was lying to himself and Gyuri that all he was doing was providing protection. He didn't want to believe that his actions were immoral, or for Gyuri to think he was a monster, so he downplayed. He was connecting clients with his girls as shown by him hooking up the idol trainee with the gangster's wife and thus was certainly more than just a guy providing security. As for why Minhee tried to turn him in I think the first half of the show showed her becoming more and more disgusted with the prostitution life not to mention her ptsd from the violence she experienced. After that event, she started to distrust Uncle since he took so long to come to her rescue. Even if it was her fault for going with a client on an off day, she was looking for someone to blame for the whole traumatic event. She is a child and I think a a part of her character arc was coming to realize that this is a situation that a child should never be in. Uncle, who she assumed to be your run of the mill criminal, scumbag pimp, is certainly at fault for employing a child for sex acts. Mr Lee was the only one in that organization to console her and she bonded with him. To her, Uncle was just this god like figure who decided on his whim when the women could earn money by selling their bodies. Basically, that one scumbag actually harmed her and caused her PTSD but Uncle was also to blame for 1) letting a child be a sew worker and 2) not protecting her. If I remember correctly, Minhee also said she was going to turn Uncle in sometime in the middle of the season.


yeah i remember her saying that. thanks for the lengthy comment helping offer some perspective. the way you mention the downplaying really changes the way i view things as i only took things as they were displayed but i did notice him doing more than protecting like how he texts people on behalf of the workers. aghhhh man, just geez at the end of the day she’s a minor and jisoo should have just denied her and that also could have stopped all of that from happening 😭


I guess the whole "protection" thing was just a way for him to justify what he was doing


Man that open ending is very not satisfying but I get why they left it like that. Read some reviews saying the kermit was like his spirit animal, he died when his dad went into his house and that last shot where the water overflowed from refilling (like had too much on his plate?). One thing I noticed throughout was that the thing that started to be his main motivator was running away from cops, which is why I think they showed him staring at the doorway at the end there for so long. That made his mind up and pushed him to run away. Also the reason why he tried his best to keep Minhee silent throughout the whole show.


I don't think there is going to be a season two. If there is, I feel like they're either going to have it where Jisoo and Gyuri are somehow on the run or set it in the future when they get out of prison, but then I feel like they'd pull a Parasite and say he got no prison time because of his age and the fact he got stabbed or something.


i think dkdktv did some review on this kdrama where they also go over the dreams & other symbolisms! it'd be cool for you to check out in your own time. but yeah that ending is very open & ambiguous idk what to make of it also but it was an intense ending nonetheless. also jisoo has displayed that arrogant stubborn attitude at the start of the drama when his phone was stolen and it just manifested itself to even worse when he was panicking with Minhee at the end of the drama. his priorities are so out a line at the end lol but knowing how young he is despite showing a maturity to him at the beginning helps with understanding a little bit of what's going on i guess. I mean he knew he was doing something bad but he didn't understand how the world really works as much as he thought, i mean he had no one in his life to rely on really so this as well adds a whole lot to who he is. So yeah for me personally I still do like this drama a lot after watching it with you again, I tend to like the intense themes, messages, & thought provoking characters that they had!


Now that it's over, I recommend you watch this analysis! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCwC0emPlfs&t=112s It's really great and it's going to put a lot of things into perspective and discuss some of the brilliant cinematography and symbolism!


I went into this drama the first time not even knowing it was only ten episodes long.. So you could imagine my freaking surprise and anger when the next show started playing and no “next episode” came up on the screen.. I was not prepared at all ! Excited for season two, but like a lot of dramas, I’m pretty sure it was pushed back cuz of Covid :/


okay rewatching this, I obviously know that him saying that he was only "protecting" them was a way to deal with his guilt and he isn't totally innocent obviously. But also I think it's really weird that Minhee hates him and somehow not Mr. Lee?? Or think hes somehow worse?? When Mr. Lee was an actual adult who talked to her multiple times and KNEW she was a minor. Yes Jisoo knew too, but he was also,,,her age and literally doesn't have parents to support him. Also besides her, the other girls were of age and if people are willingly going into sex work that isn't an unherintly bad thing. The history of pimps has not been great tho and I think a lot of sex workers prefer to be self employed now. However given his situation and his age I don't think what he did was completely unforgivable. But obviously this whole issue is exremely complicated and there's lots of different problems here. I just think it's kinda weird that she didn't resent Mr. Lee when he was the only adult in the situation but I guess she was looking for someone to blame? For her trauma? ANyways, I really enjoyed this show!


I wish I thought of it that way aha, one of the previous comments from Tai is what pointed that out to me. I felt the same way but I guess since she never met Uncle and she met Mr. Lee and he showed care it shifted her perspective. I feel you. The story is certainly complex and you gotta think about both sides of the coin as well as the law all at the same time aha. I think the trauma had to fall on Uncle cause the issue never got to reach Mr. Lee because of the phone soo I guess so lol. I enjoyed it as well!


I'm glad he mentioned not knowing why Kitae was a bully lol cause like wtf. Fair enough on the color with the hoodies and such. Really dannnnnng on the hermit crab though!! Definitely one of the top ones I've watched sheeesh. I enjoyed it! Did you watch the marriage affair one he mentioned in the video?


Same here! I just watched one that was linked below this comment - does the DKDK one go more in depth? Also, do you know of any other dramas that have intense themes, nice messages and such like this one and IOTNBO?


I know I said I'd like another season but I'm fine with open endings like that lol. That's why I like Black Mirror, it really has the director focus solely on telling a good story rather than having other seasons or prequels to fix loose ends or plot holes.


he sure fooled me, but then again i think the comments fooled me too. I remember in the first episode I'm like -- so is he the pimp? and it seemed like a general consensus in the comments was that he wasn't the pimp so i'm like oh okay mans just protecting protecting the women doing their thing and getting some pay on the back end from it. 😭


This show is so great. The last scenes and the music just left me speechless. The focus hermit crab throughout the show is so interesting, and I always felt curious as to the intention behind all the focus it was given. I searched a little and found out that hermit crabs use their shell to protect themselves against outside danger, and they can completely retract into the shell when they feel threatened. Could it be that the hermit crab symbolizes Jisoo and his life? He lives in constant hiding because of his "double life" and his only wish is to live an ordinary life. There's a scene where we see Gyuri's incoming call on Jisoo's phone, laying right next to he crab cage, and you can see the crab crawling against the side of the cage, trying to go towards the phone; this could symbolize Jisoo's want to be with Gyuri and his feelings for her, but he's unable to go to her because he's still trapped inside his cage, unable to let go of everything. Stress can be one of the reasons that a hermit crab leaves its shell, and this also fits with the interpretation; we see how all the stress and trauma affects Jisoo to act very out of character towards the end (or revealing his true character?) and as his situation (and mental health) becomes more and more unstable, he is forced out of the shell. The ending scene shows the crab in its cage, and someone giving it water. To me that makes it feel like Jisoo and Gyuri are still safe, and have a chance. Another interpretation could also be that the crab symbolizes relationships because there's often close up shots of it, when someone calls on the phone, or two people just are communicating. This would fit with the scene in ep 10 where he hears Gyuri's voice amidst all the stress, while looking at the crab, almost as if it's communicating with him.

strange& sleepless

wait a second did my comment get deleted ?😭🤣


Oh man, Sweet Home needs to be included on a Kdrama poll at some point as well! Just saw the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcH81Bzuxz0 It's based on a really popular webtoon and it drops on December 18 on Netflix. It looks sO GOOD!