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What time works best for you guys? I'd like to talk to you guys and figure out the last post in real-time. Please vote and show up to the stream so as many of us can talk as possible. 

The livestream link will be unlisted on YouTube and shared to you guys at 11:30am-12:00 pm EST (Depending on which time slot wins the poll.)

Thanks in advance. 



The way I feel like we’re about to get a friendly scolding over livestream. 😭


Haha, Not at all, I'm just so torn and stressed out. I'd like to talk with as many people as possible so this can be the last time it's even mentioned. I hope you can be there Katie


Understandable! If it’s before 3pm your time then I can make it before I have to go to work. 😊


Alright, it’s 4 am. I’ll head to sleep and set the alarm since it’s in the lead anyways. See ya then


Sleep well! 🥺💙