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I am actually losing my mind 😭

Literally 3-4x a week for the past two months I get asked when will I post something and it’s driving me mad. I TOTALLY get not knowing which video comes up next on M/W/F but I never thought much of it cause it’s normally at LEAST 2/3 things and you’ll see at least one in the weekly rotation.

I have no problem with dm’ing you guys and stuff btw but please help me, like let me know -

Do I just post ONE thing everytime I post and then move on to the next?

Cause I’ve been trying to do 2 things (what won on the poll) and I’m having a fine time with it but I’m still getting constant messages asking when the next episode of something else will be posted when really I’m trying to bounce around fairly 😭

I’ve been focusing on the most popular two things lately but then people ask me about three other things that I was posting some time ago. (consistently)

I know I can’t please everyone but getting these messages everyday have me trying to think how I can because I’m tired of seeing them. Only because I thought I was doing what the majority of you guys wanted cause of the results of the poll! 😂 



Im Jubal

Do whatever is best for you, I think the way you’ve been doing things make sense. Majority wins, but you’ll probably always get those comments from people 😭, sorry.


Honestly? My answer will pro baly not help you much because I honestly never cared much how often or what you upload. I just enjoy getting content from you.


i'm saying lol but i'm like actually losing it. i keep thinking i'm doing what's asked (majority) but these messages make me feel like i'm not!


Sorry to hear how stressed you are right now. I’m happy just getting one or two videos a week. But if people aren’t reading the schedule and still asking those questions they’re just being ignorant. This message may help them realise how stressful it’s making you and they’ll start to chill on those questions.


I think you already answered your own question when you said "I know I can't please everyone". I would assume (correct me if I'm wrong) that you're getting these messages from only a few people which means the majority ARE happy but I don't know that there is a way to stop someone here or there from asking for a specific thing. Best bet is to not let it bother you too much cuz the schedule right now makes the most sense that it can imo.


I think it might be best to just do 1 thing at a time. I mean you might get questions still, but at least those who are wanting a specific show won’t have to message you about when the next video will be uploaded. :)


You won’t be able to please everyone Anthony, but people have to realise how stressful this is on you. You’re doing great 👍🏾 love the content

raeven b.

I know we pay for this content but you can still tell people to shut up sometimes lol—you’re posting enough. I don’t think people will ever be satisfied. Cuz I see the same crap on YouTube comments. No, thank you, no regard toward the new video posted, just “when’s the next one??” Treat those broken records like spam mail hun. Don’t burn yourself out over these patrons <3


i appreciate you! being that you guys pay it makes me more attentive to these messages and such, i want everyone to feel more than content being here! it always happens on youtube too, facts.


that's what made me think of it lol, just go straight through it and move on. i don't feel the best about it tho overall, i think it's cool to at least have two ongoing options to watch at a time


Hmmmm I think you take too much on your plate...if that is the correct saying. Make a schedule. Tier 1: T/Th/Sa.... 3 different posts Tier 2 & 3: M/W/F. One KDrama/One reality show/ one album a week. Live show reactions you can throw in randomly... when you finish each show you move on to the next based on those popularity polls....Important don’t let your patreons dictate your actions, even if they pay...don’t panic, calm yourself, don’t lose your mind over this, it should stay fun and especially authentic. Just scale down, I don’t know if you have a job outside of YouTube & Patreon but do find time for yourself...Life you know...P.S. I am patiently waiting for Mino’s album, Bobby’s album an iKON’s album ....Anthony HWAITING 🙃🙃🙃


there's certainly quite the few!! not as much as the majority though, so that is a fair perspective as well. i'm glad you think so, cause i think so as well. i make these posts to gather multiple perspectives cause i'm just one person trying to please everyone even though i know it's impossible ha


all my time goes towards this haha, thanks for the tips and words of encouragement. i'm also one step ahead of you of on what you're waiting on :)! i just don't wanna upset anyone, your comment helps though


it's okay, it's been this way for a minute i'm just trying to see how i can eliminate some of that stress so everything can remain enjoyable <3 thank you for being here and everything!


I could be wrong but I kind of worry that if you only stick to one thing then you'll end up burning yourself out. I think switching it up is nice for everyone even if it means people have to learn to be patient. I also like the wide range of content you're reacting to because it helps me find new things to watch, especially variety shows. So, I personally don't really think you need to change how you do things since you're pretty upfront about your schedule and you even ask for a majority vote but maybe just set a limit of how many shows you allow yourself to watch at a time, that way you don't feel like you can't catch up.


I think you could continue what you did before, as in before the week start, post which videos are coming on which days and probably ask what would people like to see the following week as well


like just a weekly overview type thing? i'd totally not mind doing that but i MAINLY did that whenever i did a lot of videos ahead of time. now i kinda just go with the flow because i've been going thru some stuff so it's easier to just watch a show or two when i unwind and post it right after -- im gonna look into that though, thank you


idk i think the schedule is rather random sometimes lol. I think it's best to do kdrama monday, variety show weds, and survival show fri? I mean, it felt like you weren't posting anything to me cause my tier is different and i assume those people messaging may be from my tier too, but i checked and saw it's cause when you were posting, it was a different tier (the 10$ tier) and not everyone is on that tier, so to them it may feel like you were just not posting. With people like me, we're just here for ikon/bts/kpop albums so even if you post a lot (say kdrama for ex), not everyone is here for that and some people may just be here for ikon or road to kingdom or albums and since not everyone likes every group, maybe they don't like txt or twice or whatever, and they're just waiting for one thing. So it may be best to clarify when exactly things are being posting. Idk it's complicated. You often promise things and don't go through with it, which is fine cause things happen, but I can understand why some people are upset by it. I support regardless cause I enjoy your youtube and patreon content and just wanna help out. But there are some people who are here for one thing and it can be frustrating from their end. I was gonna watch some of the kdramas with you but I personally didn't enjoy them after the first episodes and so that's a bit pointless for me haha. I also can't afford the tier for road to kingdom right now (my mom just fell at work a couple weeks ago and had to take time off and we're trying to move, so money's tight and im waiting till january to update tiers). But anyways, rant over, I can see both sides here and sadly there's no solution cause you can make a proper weekly schedule but it would be worse to promise things and not go through than to not promise things at all hahaha.


the schedule has always been random though, i mainly just say i post m/w/f. the issue with people coming mainly for one thing is only the fact that they send me messages as if i'm not posting, it's just not what they want to see. as you said, let's say i go in on a drama and post 5 hours worth of videos i'll get messages like "so you're just not going to post blah blah blah" like i'm sure you can see how tiresome that is. i'm not looking for praise just acknowledgement that i can't post everything all at once. you saying it's complicated is exactly what it is lol. & yeah, i'm done saying i'm going to do things because even though i pull through regardless it's the fact that i'm on everyone else's time so if something comes up then i'm put through the wringer


You’re like so responsive to your subscribers, honestly the nerve of some people..... i am busy busy, watching your stuff when I get chance, so the scheduling doesn’t bother me none. I’m still finishing it’s okay to not be okay. But suggestion if you wanna help minimize the messages: I know that reacttothek made a google doc with like “things im gonna react to” and that way ppl would know you just haven’t got around to it yet.

Estherlynn Lubin

Danm that’s tough. I feel like you been posting quite a lot but that’s just me. Sometimes people failed to realize how hard it is to react, edit, and upload contents. Idk really know what to say to u except sending you a virtual hug🤗


Why not make a schedule for certain videos? Like for example fridays could be longer videos like RTK,Ikon etc. And then mondays and Wednesday’s could be random between album reactions etc? I think how it is now works just fine but if you want to get those people to stop asking I might be easier to just have a day that you could tell them


We appreciate you Anthony!! I wish I could say don't worry too much about them because the rest of us here are really appreciative of your many reactions but I also get how it is very pressurizing :(

strange& sleepless

I think in order for that to stop happening you need to set up a schedule that you'll stick to. If you want to post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you should pick 3 shows at a time, and have one set day for each. I feel like you have too many things that you want to watch all at once, more than the amount that you want to post per week and that way certain things will always fall behind and the people that only subscribed for those things are gonna be unsatisfied, which is gonna lead to you being stressed out as well. So I really think it's important that you balance things out a little. Think about which shows you wanna do now, announce that, and finish them before you start something else.


I like the idea of a set day of the week for a particular kind of content. Music Mondays, Variety Show Wednesdays, K-Drama Fridays (to binge watch over the weekend...yay!). We might settle down into a routine? Posts can be watched at our own pace over the week. Just a suggestion.


I may have been asking you once or twice maybe but obviously its very annoying. Hope people see this and try not to ask so much. I will avoid doing it anymore if I have done it


I'm so sorry you feel so pressured, this should be fun for you. At the same time, I can understand the frustration on both sides tbh....a schedule is definitely needed. And yes, like others said, you should definitely finish something (at your own pace, but probably still based on the M/W/F schedule if that's still doable for you) before moving on to something else because most people nowadays want to binge-watch stuff. Some of us come for certain things only as well so it sucks when that one thing doesn't get posted for a long time [I only watch your K-drama stuff and Road to Kingdom, for example]. The only solution is keeping to a schedule and focusing on those 3 things until you finish them before moving on to something else. If that makes you less interested and it's not as fun for you then that sucks but I don't know what else to tell you. Until that happens, you're going to keep getting messages like that and it might be annoying but there needs to be a compromise. Again, I would not want you to NOT enjoy doing this though because scheduling is too stressful or something and you can't follow it so you need to really think about how you feel. I'm sure most people will support and understand you no matter what.


I really appreciate what you do, and I understand how frustrating it must be to get these messages. Now that I see this, I regret writing and asking, but it was mostly because of the uncertainty, and it's kinda annoying not knowing what to expect at what times tbh. I watch RTK, Extracurricular and Ikon TV, so I've still gotten content, but idk if I feel like the higher tiers are worth it, if u understand. You're extremely considerate and ask us a lot, but that also makes it harder for you to please everyone. If there was a schedule, like drama a certain day and survival show another, then I think you wouldn't get as many messages. If people are super invested in your reactions in for example Extracurricular then it can be annoying to have to check all the time and not know how and when to fit it in your schedule. Personally I think I miss some consistency, but if you feel better doing random I can also respect that of course, in any case I appreciate that you listen.


I feel you lol. I kept checking for Extracurricular reactions multiple times a day, every day until episode 3 was finally posted omg....I think I like...lost 10 years off my lifespan doing that. So I totally agree with being invested in this content and not knowing when it comes.


Also, forgive me if I'm being stupid or anything but I reread your post and checked the poll you mentioned. So the '1 and 1' schedule won which means you'd do a drama 2 or 3 days out of the week plus shorter content before moving on to something else. That would have been great but you haven't done that so why post the poll anyway? If the reason why you've been posting randomly and reacting to many more videos of all kinds at the same time is because people keep requesting them and you wanted to please everyone, just do a banner with the schedule so everyone can see what you offer at all times. It's hard for me to believe people would be so unreasonable as to expect you to react to stuff that's not on the banner.


BTW, I have no idea how my comments may come across since I'm typing them and you can't really hear my tone of voice or read my body language so I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to criticize you or anything, Just genuinely trying help you find a solution. At the end of the day, the most important part is that you enjoy doing your job and don't "lose it." So, if what we want is making things harder or less enjoyable for you I say you should still do it your own way...Just let us know what it is. Lol If, on the other hand, comments asking you when something is coming are what bothers you the most...then you do need a schedule as I can assure you those will continue to come and stress you out.