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Oh naw... Is Gyuri is really going to annoy me this whole show? WHY is she so nosy and needy for money when she's RICH?aGa?fa?sdG?asdf


Extracurricular - Episode 2 - Reaction.mp4

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looool about to watch!

Kenzie Carter

Yaay been waiting for this


She's the reason I dropped this drama...

Sham Sham

ā€œThis girl is trash bro ā€ if that wasnā€™t me. Ohhh she got on my damn nerves the whole damn show like take to ass home all in his business. just wait she gets worse šŸ˜‚


Just wait. She's not that bad, sometimes even useful.


For your information, there are no good characters in this drama. They're all kind of selfish, criminals.


I can't tell you how much she pissed me off the first time I watched this show


I couldn't with Gyuri when I watched this drama at first. After that incident, honestly didn't trust or like her throughout show. I know Jisoo isn't getting money in a great or legal way but still... like why the actually fuck did she do that to him? And then the dad... I can't šŸ˜‚ I feel so sorry for Jisoo


I know it's frustrating that Gyuri keeps messing things up for poor Jisoo but, I mean, she noticed something sus so why blame her for being curious? He's doing something illegal, you know, she could have even reported him but her desire of acting out since she has zero independence at home got the best of her. The poor girl just wants to get in trouble. It's like she and Jisoo are the same but also polar opposites. While he's doing something bad to eventually live a life of normalcy and comfort, she already has all that but craves chaos and adventure and stuff. Idk, I find it hard to dislike the characters even though they are so messed up, purely because they are so realistic and believable. Besides, they're just kids making mistakes that are more than they can handle so I can't help but feel sorry for pretty much all of them. The adults is who I blame....


I think they're just victims of circumstance....the kids I mean...

Leenah B

the amount of pissed that you are was me as well, crazy & intense stuff man. not gonna lie though, it made me mad yet invested in the show lol


Mr Lee doesnā€™t know who Uncle is or what he looks like, and he doesnā€™t know that Jisooā€™s phone was stolen, so surely heā€™s suspicious of Gyuri because he thinks sheā€™s uncle right?


im pretty sure Mr Lee understands that Uncle's phone was compromised since jisoo called him from his old number saying all business is to be put on hold, and mr lee already suspected uncle's phone of being lost during that call. then during jisoo's phonecall with gyuri, jisoo secretly sent a screenshot of the location of the stolen phone to Mr Lee?? That's why mr lee started tracking the phone and almost caught gyuri!

Marina Martinovic

my problem with her was that if she really was against the prostitution she could've gone straight to the police with the evidence but no she played these mind games with him for her own entertainment. she's really just a hypocrite in my eyes and that's why I couldn't stand her


Hopefully the writing and love lines are not forced like Itaewon Class. Jisoo's dad I understand because hes a complete loser that abandoned his son for gambling. But so far it doesn't make sense how Gyuri feels no remorse because she thinks that he's an evil pimp while shes just messing up his whole shit and making him run around town. Weird moral compass. Lets see if she out annoys Yiseo from IC for me.


its going to be really hard to top yiseo because she really got on mjy nerves but i think gyuri might get there


she dont need money. she's just bored


yeah gyuri is.... quite the character


yeah sheā€™s kinda the worst right now. i think what upset me the most was how not sorry she acts. like that money is all he has and because of her itā€™s all gone


Gyuri managed to annoy me throughout the entire drama. she does get a little better later on but it just got on my nerves how nosy she is.


!!!!!! speaking from privilege smh... i inferred that due to his book smarts and such all while he's alone and parentless he wouldn't be running this app if he had financial help from parents... so that's the part that sucks to see too like all his savings is gone... i mean yeah he was assisting some illegal activities but mans is just doing what he can haha


Nosy is all cool but she's going the extra mile literally putting her nose in everything. like a child in a toy store, she's gotta see and touch everything and it's annoying lol

strange& sleepless

I'm surprised you weren't irritated by Munyeong xD


I hope she doesnā€™t deter you from finishing it tho, the rest of the show is really interesting and I think what I liked most is that itā€™s such an unconventional storyline


Iā€™m glad to see that this episode annoyed everyone else just as much as me šŸ˜Œ personally I think Gyuri gets a lot better and I really like how fearless and confident she is sometimes, but this episode is just not it. I know that it had to happen otherwise we wouldnā€™t have a story but itā€™s so frustrating. I understand how suffocated she feels and I think itā€™s good that she at least stopped herself from taking the money because she was thinking about what he said about being exhausted and just wanting a normal life. But also like....the fact that Jisoo has to do all this shit by himself because he doesnā€™t have parents to pay for his academy and exam prep when heā€™s really smart and thatā€™s all he actually wants. I think besides the fact that one of the girls is a minor, creating an app to protect women who do sex work is not a bad thing at all, especially in Korea where Iā€™m sure itā€™s easy for sex workers to get mistreated and harmed. Also like if he was some rich kid playing around with peoples lives and safety and then she came in and messed it up it would be different, but he literally had to raise himself and figure out a way to survive so I donā€™t think heā€™s a terrible person for doing what he did. However I do think that their relationship grows and itā€™s interesting to see their dynamic. Tbh the dad pissed me off the most of all like I wanted to beat that man up !! Sir ! How are you gonna literally rob your own son when youā€™re the reason heā€™s struggling in the first place??? He had me f u m i n g

strange& sleepless

Also Jisoo does know that Minhee is a minor. And the cast are all young adults. Minhee's actress is the youngest, she's 20.

strange& sleepless

Okay so i deleted my comment bc i felt like it was worded badly. So, for this drama it's very important to understand how each indivdual is affected by the circumstances they are in, in order to somewhat understand their behavior and be able to sympathise with them. Some of it might seem exaggerated but it's quite realistic in my opinion. Gyuri does have a conscious, unlike Yiseo. But the situation she is in is affecting her in a way that is making her act out like this. She's seeking an adrenaline rush due to the place she is in mentally. But you'll see more about all of that, and more of the characters back stories later on, so i don't wanna say too much right now cause i don't wanna spoil you. But ofc their circumstances don't justify their actions. But yeah basically you need to try to be very understanding and patient in order to not end up being irritated by all of the characters and also keep i mind that the main people are all kids so they make a lot of stupid not thought trough decisions haha xD I hope this makes sense.


Exactly, thank you! lol I feel like a lot of people ignore how beautifully deep and complex the characters are and just end up hating them and getting annoyed. They're just human and kids at that...doing their best in a world that's systematically built against them in every way.


I agree, Jisoo is not a bad person either. I just feel really bad for everyone man...


lol noooo she won't it's not THAT serious but man this episode did work my nerves a lil

Fallon Tsui

dude everytime you said "oh nah she's got to go!" I was dying! šŸ˜‚ I have seen this show before and it just gets crazier lol looking forward to watching the rest again with you and seeing your reactions


I couldn't stand Gyuri in the first episodes either but her character is actually really interesting, beyond her just being annoying. But it does take a lot of patience lol


ahh ahh, and i had only mentioned actors ages in shows where they portray young adults bc it feels like in our movies/shows here in america we don't get that - we get 30 year olds lol which is fine but it made me not like pay much attention to what grade or age the characters are

Paola Lopez

I still didnā€™t get to like Gyuri At the end of the series


So i watched the two episodes and I honestly donā€™t know what to feel about this series. I really do not like Gyuri the way she behaves it is very self centred and I donā€™t like that. Also the fact that she is one of the main characters will make it though for me to finish this series. Shall we commit or quit guys ??

Estherlynn Lubin

Iā€™m catching up and this is why I never continued this series ugh Iā€™m annoyed all over again but I will continue watching with u. Hopefully like everyone is saying, Iā€™ll like the upcoming episodes.


Gyuri is giving off hella Yiseo (from Itaewon Class) vibes. I don't rock with her character at all right now.


Man this show makes my blood pressure rise. I think Gyuri may have given me a tension headache I don't know if I'm going to make it you guys LMAO but seriously I guess it's good character work when someone is this hateable this quickly. I think her character is interesting and I may not dislike her as much if I understood her motives. Right now she just seems straight scheming because of boredom I guess? I don't need like a sob story to justify her actions but I want to know what she wants to get out of this since she claims it isn't money (despite the fact that she tried to steal his money!?šŸ¤”)


nah from the jump it's straight boredom LOL.. it really is. she annoyed me less as the show progressed but the elephant remains in the room at the end (imo)