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They threw a few characters in my face and I got a lil confused. I got more of the picture at the end of the episode y'all no worries, I'm still here ahahaha I just didn't realize what they meant by "compensated dating" until they told me LOL 


Extracurricular - Episode 1 - Reaction.mp4

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!!!! it's happening !!!!


Did you watch The Witch: Subversion? Is the reaction still available to watch? I couldn’t be there bc I had a lot of homework 😭


we did! i didn't make a video, we just kicked it on discord and watched together. i hope your homework got completed though! :D


Lit! I was about to rewatch this since I’m writing an analysis paper on it!

Leenah B

Ayyy, this made my day! Excited to hear your thoughts, thanks for checking this one out! (edit: Gyuri is not part of the girls that do the compensated dating just a nosey & blunt classmate that Jisoo has a crush on; those girls are all adults except for Minhee that is why she wears a wig to disguise and "protect" her identity as a minor, there will be more about this later)


AAA its happening, istg I was the first person to request this too 💅😂


the girl in the wigs is kitaes gf :] shes a minor + sex worker under Uncle aka Jisoo our boy. Uncle organises (?) the girls work for them and gives them clients while assuring them of protection through Mr Lee. also the girl in the first scene where her hair was cut was another girl, not Kitaes gf, just someone else under Uncles protection :] i hope u like this showww


YESSSSSS i'm so excited to watch you get frustrated with people and things like i was

Sham Sham

This show was okay for me.. didn’t hate it but not my tops. I started loosing interest after 7 eps in😂 curious if re watching it can make me like it more. Ur confusion was a big mood the first time I watched too, like wtf is going on. But yes all the girls work for mr Lee and jisoo. And the girl with the wig is the the girl with the bully boyfriend kieta.


sooooo jisoo/uncle is the pimp? that's what a pimp is right lol, i thought that these girls were only using mr lee and jisoo's (app?) as protection not working FOR them... but he's taking (part of?) their moneys soooo... hmm.


SO EXCITED TO RE-WATCH THIS WITH U!!!! also just to clear it up a lil more, jisoo is running a "security service" for sex workers under the anonymous identity of "uncle". so not really a pimp?? through his app, he sets up appointments with clients for the girls, and he's also able to track the girls' whereabouts, so if they get in any danger, mr lee goes and helps them. they're paying for protection during their jobs, so jisoo is only receiving a portion of what the girls earn through their work. ALSO in the last part, it's revealed that gyuri is the one that stole the phonecase, and on the bus, she's selling it online to someone else. hope this helps with any confusion moving forward!!

marissa h.

ive been waiting for this so i can rewatch it with you! its a wild ride lol


Jisoo is saving up money to go to hagwon - which is basically after school lessons almost all high schoolers take that cost money. If they can’t afford to go to hagwon, they’ll definitely fall behind on their school work and probably won’t get into university. That isn’t a spoiler by the way, I think it’s explained in this episode but it’s hard to understand because of the translations.


yooo im excited to see you watch this. It's such a wild and highkey stressful ride lmao but pretty enjoyable imo


Am I crazy or does the main dude look like Jin (bts) a little bit?


yeah it’s a bit confusing at first but I actually enjoyed this, not really into the love stuff so this really caught me attention lol but yeah excited to be watching along with you this time tho 🤗


LOL nah i can see it in some angles, the head shape seems to be a big similarity to me


This is going to be my third time watching this show. I watched it for the first time when it first came out by myself. I just finished watching it for the second time with my mom. And now I'm starting again with you. I don't mind though, I really like this show.


This drama came out just after the nth room scandal. Partly because of this, many people are interested in this drama, one of my favorites this year. I advise at least for yourself to look drama save me, there plays the main actress from it's ok. The plot is about a sect, very heavy, serious drama, but interesting

strange& sleepless

Ahhh I'm excited haha. It's all a bit confusing at first but the story will unfold more with each episode, so just keep watching haha. Yes Minhee, the girl with the boyfriend, is the same girl as the one with the blonde wig. This drama will be very frustrating at points and some of the actions of the characters will be confusing, but they all have a reason that'll be explained later on.

strange& sleepless

i hope you‘ll enjoy this one as much as i did! 😆


Don't worry, I was a bit confused at first too but it will all make sense. What I thought at first was that the girls only pretended to be prostitutes to bait pedophiles into meeting them and then call Mr. Lee through Jisoo's app and take all their money in exchange for not reporting them to the police. Kind of like blackmail. I guess I just couldn't believe a K-Drama had actual prostitution as a topic. I just didn't expect it but this drama is just exceptional. I'm excited to rewatch it with you!


Excited to watch this with you. I prefer these dramas with interesting plots rather than romance based ones. Weird how hes an expert at pimping out these girls but cant make eye contact with his classmate. Also at the end does that mean the Gyuri girl steals peoples things and resells it? Or am I missing something.




Yes. She was very annoyed me on the first episodes, and not just me. She's good, just something happened.


Wait Anthony did you watch The Witch??! And I missed it??!


I am excited to start this series with you, i heard many things about this serie. So tonight i will be making my self comfy and start watching it with you

Estherlynn Lubin

I never finished this episode but it will be great watching along with you.


I have to admit I'm just now starting to watch this along with you. have been doing some renovations and it's just so energy draining so I didn't want to start an episode while I was exhausted and not paying attention. I would definitely say jisoo is doing all the main roles of a pimp just through an app and not with much interaction with them which is unique I oddly like the way this show makes every person to person interaction feel extremely awkward because I feel like that's how I am in real life LMAO. Seems like it's going to get pretty intense so I'll try and binge and catch up.