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Hey! Dropping this here instead of keeping anyone wondering what's up. I'm filming videos rn so this weekend will be more more scheduling. Finally able to resume and start the shows we'd been talking about. For this schedule I'll keep you guys up to date when things are done and posted via lens clips.  Schedule has been shifted due to some delays with the paqui chip.

Now, I know that over the course of running this Patreon, I have not been the most consistent. I'm likely not as consistent as other people you watch and I own up to that. I've always tried to be open with you guys and let you know when things were going on that made this hard for me and I figured it would make things a bit more understanding but when money is involved it tends to leave a bitter taste in some people's mouths - which I understand. 

Over the time away, I tried to think, even for a few minutes, of ways that I could approach making videos when I'm not in the best headspace and I couldn't really come up with a conclusive answer. I feel that it'd be too  visible in the videos, so I won't. Instead I'll just be straight up with you guys like I've always been and continue to do what I can. 

I do not intentionally take long on shows, I take my time sure but I try to not promise a schedule of things especially when watching multiple things at once (I've learned my lesson from that). Uncertainty of when I'd be posting and inconsistency in my past can definitely make people not want to be here (like everyone who joined for iKON TV but then last month just happened to be a horrible month for me). It's unplanned and I just roll with the punches.

Anything that was started and completely dropped may have been from loss of interest, if that's the case and I don't want to resume I think that's fair. I want to enjoy all of the things I'm watching. When people tell me to watch the first episode of two dramas and go with the one I enjoy more, that's what I'll do. Some things hit differently at different times. I'll be going back to give other things another chance and since I don't like things left unfinished I'm sure I'll go tie up those loose ends but I don't think I should have to force myself to watch things that I am not interested in. 

The tier change, I've talked about this enough but again - for those who understood, thank you. For those who told me that other people offer more for less, I'm sure they do. We all have different circumstances. And though I didn't switch the tiers around for financial gain, this is all I have. I pay bills, specifically a stupid high car note and insurance prices since I have no one who can assist me with credit (or financially). I'm also aiming to get an apartment at the top of the year so I can have more of my own space. Some people just may be able to offer more for less if this isn't their only source of income or they have more of a sense of stability in their lives. I really beat myself up about that feeling like I upset everyone and worried about how people could view me as money hungry or something over the fact that I have things I need to handle for myself so that I can be more stable and I don't think that's right. So I'll do my best, posting something every M/F and possibly Wednesdays like it's been in the Patreon about section. I'll do my best to include a video for every tier and fulfilling the backlog of some requests before accepting any new ones (Big Potatoes!)


Estherlynn Lubin

You’re thinking too much! Relax bro. Your health is also a priority plus you have something called a life!


Thank you for laying it all out very excited for the things that you want to check out coming up. The only thing I'll say about feeling bad when it comes to tiers or comparing to what other people do is this: you have to value your own time because people won't do it for you, people are inherently selfish and I'm not saying that in a way to bash anyone who may have felt a way or genuinely can't afford to move up but the truth is if people can get more of your time for less money then that is in their best interest but you have to think of your best interest because the time you spend with us is enjoyable but it's also time that you could be spending on other money making ventures so it's not greedy at all to put a value on it. I've also been a patron of quite a few other people and trust me you're not doing anywhere near as inconsistent as you may think in comparison.


i’d never look at you as money hungry. you’re one of the most selfless people i know, don’t listen to negative comments people may leave you. i’ll be here! i believe that you’ll be more consistent and even if not, your health is the most important thing. but thank you for always sharing when you can’t make videos. be easy on yourself. i hope things get better and better for you


You really don't need to beat yourself up because of the tier change! I switched to the higher tier and while I probably shouldn't be spending my money like this rn I don't feel bad bc you're really putting out a lot of enjoyable content and I'm glad if I can help support you a little in this way


I don't know about other people but I would rather have content where you actually enjoy what you are doing instead of content where you force yourself to work even if you're not up for it. Everyone has things going on from time to time and it's important to take breaks when needed and to not overwork. Make sure to take care of yourself man and I hope you are doing better!


Anthony, I'm really thankful for whatever videos you decide to post no matter when you post them. Please don't beat yourself up. I totally understand where you're coming from and hope other people do too. Thanks for always being there for us, don't forget that we're here if things get tough for you too! I hope you had a nice break! 💕


at the end of the day some ppl jus dont like change ig /: pls know that the majority of us want you prioritise your mental health & are understanding to ur situation :] im glad you brought it up though and cleared the air in case anyone was feelin sour too. take ur time king :] its cool <3<3<3

Sham Sham

Smtm reaction that’s a nice surprise. And do not stress about the whole tier change. You r by far the most consistent ever even when ur post slow down here and there. I have not once ever question spending money here on patreon to support you. I have no complaints what so ever. I do plan on going to medium potato tier by November once I get paid. Appreciate the layout and u trying ur best to keep everything organized (still love ur random uploads lol) and don’t mind me I just got home from work so I will be doing minor catch up on YouTube now 😂 have a nice night ant 👐🏾


This here is exactly why you're the best man


Omg all the comments above🥺🥺 I’m so happy that everyone understands and genuinely worries about his health more than anything. You’re doing great Anthony, so don’t ever think that you’re not doing enough. Everyone here knows that you try your best and will always support you🧡

Leenah B

Understandable! You are your own boss and if you think you should do something different to help yourself work better and to earn a living then do so and tell yourself not to doubt those decisions! If you can't follow thru with your own promises just know that it can't be helped but that the time that you need elsewhere is actually beneficial for the overall picture in your life if that makes sense! I'm glad that we can hear honestly from you! Appreciate the content as always but especially the transparency! Keep a head up Anthony!


Excited to get some more content! Honestly I work all day so the inconsistency never bothered me bc I tend to binge stuff on the weekends when I got time haha Ppl expecting u to have the same pricing and tiers and reactions as other ppl is wild. Like you didn’t have to explain ur situation, but I hope ppl are chill about the pricing and tier levels from here on. <3


can't wait for more ikon tv, trust me it keeps getting better!! they're totally your type of humor!!! There's only 11 episodes so that's also good, since the number won't get too overwhelming :) my 22nd birthday is actually thursday, so ikon and road to kingdom will definitely be a fun treat. I was kind of hoping for some bon voyage or run bts, since we haven't had an episode since august :( but i'll be patient.


i know i know, i just felt like it'd be good to say what was on my mind. thank you always!


always put yourself first flora! thank you for being here and wanting to support and stuff. i appreciate you!


thank you for your understanding kierstin! i appreciate you, i hope you've been well too!


i was feeling sour about people feeling sour so i def had to! thank you kerriane, i appreciate you!


it does make sense and i agree! always gonna be upfront with you guys thank you! you keep your head up as well


bam! well i'm glad to hear that, that's what i figured as well because people came here to watch on their own time anyways. i know i didn't have to explain but i always want people to see where i'm coming from and stuff, i care too much about how people view me it seems aha. thanks a lot steph!


angie angie 10000000000% i'm watching bv this weekend, even more so now knowing your bday is coming up 🥺


Is good to have you back, your health goes before everything !! I will be looking out for the new content ☺️☺️.


Hi. Sorry if you’ve already mentioned it, but us Extracurricular still going to be on the $5 tier?


I have, it's fine. All tiers have been updated to show what they include. Kdramas are on the same tier as they have been!


I love your reactions, just make sure you are taking care of yourself. You’re a human, not a commodity. So i hope you are letting yourself rest and I’m sending positive thoughts your way I’ll support you because a think you’re a cool dude. So just keep being you and taking care of yourself 💯


What time are the reactions dropping today? ❤️


quick question: why did you decide to change the videos each tier can access in the middle of the month as opposed to just waiting until November 1st? That seems like the most logical way to do it, no?

Memzkie Marbella

HI anthony! Hope all is well. :) thought you’d post iKON TV on the 23rd but I don’t see it. Honestly, I signed up for patreon coz of iKON and wait for your iKON reactions. While waiting, I watched your other videos and enjoyed it too but I hope you can post iKON reactions very soon.


still waiting for more road to kingdom reactions! :)


Are videos coming this evening? ❤️


Hey Cami! I posted on the lens clip - the aftermatch of the darn Paqui one chip challenge that I did on stream actually had me in quite the bit of pain today. It's subsiding a bit more besides some discomfort now so hopefully tomorrow I'll feel a bit better. Luckily, I normally don't post on Tuesdays so I can use it as a day to post Monday's videos! For sure, thank you!


Hey Memzkie, thanks for being kind! I hope all is well with you too. I also want to point out that I apologized about that in the end of the post saying: "...Uncertainty of when I'd be posting and inconsistency in my past can definitely make people not want to be here (like everyone who joined for iKON TV but then last month just happened to be a horrible month for me)..." Basically, some of you guys just caught me at a bad time, which is no one's fault. I just wish I would have known I would have been going through some stuff before saying I was going to be jumping head on into a new show. Not intending on leaving you all hanging though, trust! I'm glad you checked out some other stuff and enjoyed it even, I just posted the other half of the first iKON TV ep. Tuesday will be the second ep and Wednesday will be the 3rd. Delayed some due to doing the Paqui one chip challenge on twitch yesterday. I think Friday I was just strapped for time, I always try to make it up though!


I only remember changing the newest episodes that I released after the tier change post and completed shows like I-LAND (& old things like anime posts). I figured everyone here already watched the things that were completed, and for the things that came after the tier change post - some people already upgraded so I just put it where it was going to be in a week while I was on here.