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it's been kinda hard pushing through with the things going on with me lately! i know you guys aren't rushing but i'm rushing myself and even if i get busy with things i get really upset with myself if i don't complete my to do list of tasks that i write down every night for the next day. it literally hinders me and puts pressure on me (self inflicted) and then i get self conscious when i press record.. i don't want to bring any of that negativity/bad mood into any of the videos to put into you guys' days. always trying to be better is really tiring and it's discouraging that it's that way.

anyways while you're here, i also want to add i'm going to try to get back to my m/w/f posting habits so i'm gonna drop some videos and try again tomorrow for filming some for yall. still trying. sorry if you feel like you've been waiting for something for a while, been trying to listen to the majority when it comes to what to watch to make as many of you guys happy with being here..

**that does not include IOTNBO cause i want to finish that before the end of the month and i'll try to do that next month with extracurricular as well. **

sending love



Take as long as you need to record and post things for us! We’ll always be here for you man 🤩

hayun lee

whatever works for u works for me, pls take care of urself!!!


Don’t stress yourself!! We will patiently wait!


Honestly do what is best for you! Don't stress! I subscribed annually so not going anywhere! ;)


Sending love anthony!! I hope you take things easily and at your own pace


don’t stress yourself!! remember to take care of yourself :) sending lots of love to you <33

Yacine Schlichting

Take your time as long as you feel good about it😊


Oh no anthony, don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s okay to take a break when its needed. Don’t put pressure on yourself, we understand and can wait for you. Just be you and take your time❤️


Take your time. We will always be here.💛


Don't stress Anthony! Your life should always come in first place of importance for you. Even when trying to keep busy, you should take breaks to let your emotions out. Remember what I told you before. Take your time.

Condensed Milk

We love you man, keep healthy before anything else. Take all the time you need for any sort of healing you need, we all understand and want whats best for you ✨❤


We’re all human so take however long you need. We know you have a life outside of this so there’s no rush ✨


Honestly no rush from my end. I've been enjoying whatever you've been putting out and even if there are pauses its no biggie. I'm sure those who are asking you to post stuff don't want you to sacrifice your health to keep content going. Feel better and remember, it's okay to not be okay <3


Your health is most important. That being said, in terms of meeting your commitments, if you are over committing, you may need to adjust how many things you have in progress... Put some Agile principles to work lol. Also sometimes it can be hard when you have multiple "deadlines" and competing priorities. I'm happy to message you a method I use at work when I have so many things to do I can't decide what to do first. Just let me know 😊. This life things is an ever changing learning process (hard to accept if you're a perfectionist or a little neurotic, which I am 😊) . Hugs!


Dont be so hard on yourself! Pace yourself to whatever you think works best for you. If you are not feeling good in anyway, take a break its important.


Take all the time you need for yourself, don't rush cuz your health is more important and we can wait.


take your time and remember to destress once in a while. we don’t want this impacting your health in any way shape or form so don’t think too hard on getting every single thing done on your timetable. good luck!


Take some off for self care ☺️! Don’t sweat the deadlines, there’s always time. Sending good vibes your way sir 😎✨!

Lauryn L

Do what's best for you! Take your time we can wait ❤


Take it at your own pace its okay. Mental & physical health is always the priority, take care ❤


Look after yourself man. Do what you can and try not to beat yourself up if it doesn't go to plan - we're in no rush ❤


Anthony, please do not rush, take the time you need for yourself, recharge. Considering the odd times we living in, your videos helps a lot. Thank you, appreciate it👍🏼🙏🏽 I make weekly to do list, and if I was able to achieve 75% of that list, I am happy, because life happens, the unforeseen, we are not perfect. I appreciate your reactions as they are genuine I.e if you don’t like something, you just say it💯sending good vibes your way😎stay healthy 🙂

Aziza H-R

Please take your time and care of yourself. Your wellbeing is absolute priority. I'm sending you all the good vibes/feels.


No need to push yourself, we also got lives and things we gotta do we get it. Don’t seriously stress yourself out over some kpop music, your patreon are ppl who wanna support you. Take care of yourself ❤️❤️


Take your time Anthony. I understand that you want to get things done, but if you need a break to heal then that should happen. Please know that we understand and support you; and that you can put yourself first! ❤️❤️ Hope things get better for you soon and that you have a lot of happiness in your life ❤️


I know it can be hard when the pressure is coming from yourself internally but I hope that our support can help you know that you're doing a great job otherwise the only thing I can suggest is looking up different positive statements and self-affirmations that you can do when feeling super pressured. It may not feel like it's doing anything at first but positive self-talk is kind of the best way I've found to help if you're putting the pressure on yourself. We are here for you as well if you just want to talk.